Transportation of cars with electric cars in full blast on E6 – NRK Østfold – Local News, TV and Radio


Scientists from the fire brigades of Sarpsborg and Moss headed towards the fire on the E6 heading north between Missingmyr and Jonsten i Råde

– He burned in the hanger himself, but we do not know how it happened. The driver has recovered and is after what we know intact. "The worst is over now, but it will take some time before we get rid of the truck," said Espen Stabel, emergency officer at the emergency center


  The leader of the instigator Anders Strømsæther

The instigator Anders Strømsæther claims that the fire probably started in the axle of the wagon.

Photo: Lotte Olsen Jessa / NRK

We have to park the truck, but we will first try to put the cars on the trailer. We have a plan on how to get it, but it will take time, he says.

Police wrote on Twitter in the 1540s that the road will be closed for about two hours for storage and cleaning.

Electric cars were injured

There was a guy full in one of the sheds, but the fire department arrived at the place before the fire spreads properly to electric cars.

Two of the cars, however, suffered serious damage because of the fire. Two other cars were shaken by the hanger before catching fire.

– Fortunately, the fire department was quickly controlled. It is common knowledge that it can be problematic to extinguish fires in electric cars, "says Strømsæther.

There were several kilometers of cows in the area because of the fire. The police announce that she is bypassed by County Road 118.

  Quest for car fire in Råde

There are miles of long lines out. waiting south of the truck fire

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