Trident Juncture – The Russians about the exercise of NATO: – Destroy confidence and stability in the region


In an e-mail addressed to Dagbladet, the Russian Embassy in Oslo officially comments on the ongoing NATO exercise entitled "Trident Juncture".

The Russian Navy has announced that it will perform marksmanship tests in the Norwegian Sea on Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. Testing should take place off the coast of Trøndelag and Møre, which are partly in the same area as NATO's "Trident Juncture" exercise.

Russia also announced that the devil would carry out a new missile test from 6 to 9 November outside of Finnmark, while the NATO exercise "Trident Juncture" was underway.

– Normal practice

Dagbladet asked the Embassy a number of questions regarding the two reported drills in Russia. In the email, the Embassy answers the following questions:

– The activities planned by the Russian Defense Forces, as well as Russia, have previously informed them through the corresponding channels, constitute normal practice and are conducted in accordance with international law.

– destructive

In the e-mail addressed to Dagbladet, the Russian Embassy also indicates that in Norway, demonstrations and demonstrations took place against the ongoing exercise of NATO.

– With regard to the Norwegian protests against the "Trident Juncture" exercise of NATO, which is taking place these days, the concerns of these people are clear to us; they understand our reaction to open provocation and that NATO's offensive combat potential is demonstrated near our borders, the embassy writes, and then goes on:

"These maneuvers are detrimental to the region's confidence and stability, and it is unfortunate that the views of these people have not been taken into account by the official representative of Oslo.

The Chief of Defense / Chief of Defense in Norway has no comment to make on the written statement of the Russian Embassy.

– a reaction

Kjell Grandhagen, who led the Norwegian intelligence services from 2009 to 2016, believes that the Russian exercises are a reaction to an increased US military presence in Norway.

"Although there is a significant distance from the bases where Americans stay on the Russian border, Russia sees it as a threat to its complexes.The Kola base complex is the very center of Russian defense. That's where they located their main fighting funds, he says.

– NATO will practice

"For them, the current exercise and the US presence are seen as a provocation and confirmation that NATO and the United States are aggressive towards Russia," said Grandhagen, adding:

LED COLLECTION SERVICE: Kjell Grandhagen, who led between 2009 and 2016 the Norwegian intelligence service

LED COLLECTION SERVICE: Kjell Grandhagen, who led between 2009 and 2016 the Norwegian intelligence service
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– It's in my opinion no reason to think exactly that. But this is the story that Putin and Russia have built. When they now choose to fire missiles off the Norwegian coast, rather than in the Barents Sea, it's only to send a clear signal that they do not like development. They also indicate that Russia has a powerful military capability, which it can use if necessary.

"Was it stupid to post this NATO exercise in Norway, considering that it is provoked by provocation from Russia?

– Not at all. Of course, NATO will be operating in Norway, the Baltic states, the southern flank or wherever you want on NATO territory. I live it wisely and this exercise seems to be a great success. He showed that NATO can move large troop forces in difficult conditions


When Prime Minister Erna Solberg was questioned about Russia's planned missile tests, she replied "that they want to show their muscles". She added that the Russian opposition is something that could be expected.

"We should not have very heavy debts because of this," said the Prime Minister, who also stressed that Russia's missile tests could also have a national political dimension.

NATO leader Jens Stoltenberg has shown that it is normal for the Russians to carry out such exercises.

– a certain risk factor

Grandhagen believes that nobody should try to dictate to Norway or NATO the exercise of our right to practice on our territory, just as Russia has the right to practice in its respective regions.

It shows that Russia often performs exercises much closer to the borders of Norway and other Natoland.

"This missile exercise is a challenge, first of all, it is not always that the missiles eventually succeed.There is therefore a certain risk factor.This also creates significant complications for the management of the exercise. NATO, which now takes into account and ensures that no serious event occurs.Russian behavior is neither wise nor responsible.It is absolutely unnecessary to act in this way. says Grandhagen.

"It was only stolen missiles, they could do it in the Barents Sea." Here is a clear assessment of the security policy that he believes is based on.

– We feel that they have to send a signal

Nor is it the first time that Russia has chosen to demonstrate military might when NATO is operating in its neighborhoods.

"It is untrustworthy that the Russians are doing this.It is stupid to operate at the limit of opportunities for an event that can actually be quite serious.This should have been avoided, but Russia Although Grandhagen does not respond in the same way to the fact that Russia sent combat planes to South Bergen on Tuesday.

– This is not considered particularly provocative. It is an activity that is recognizable. They sometimes fly much further south than that. Nor are they required to notify such flights. This happens quite frequently and is considered by the Norwegian defense as a routine.

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