Trigger reduced eight man-years after millions of miles last year –


Triggers' total business figure was NOK 54 million in 2017 and resulted in a pre-tax loss of NOK 5.2 million.

A decline of approximately 34% of the NOK 82.6 million turnover in 2016, which resulted in a loss of NOK 8.8 million.

The economic situation causes Trigger to reduce its staff by eight man-years,

The company also reports a negative profit of 10.7 million Norwegian kroner in Trigger World, which explains the group's investment Trigger in Sweden after depreciation of the company's financial assets of NOK 10.4 million. [19659002ReturnsfromtheMaintainedAggregatestoaboutNZ$367millionIt'sareductioncomparedtoNK$509millionlastyear

Depreciates the value of the stock

– It costs to change and build new ones. We would combine our daily consulting business with technology development and starting up new businesses. We learned a lot, we learned even more, but ultimately it was too difficult to unite different business models under the same roof. According to Bente Kvam Kristoffersen, managing director, the downsizing could have been avoided from the outset

The company itself qualifies the price of the year 2017 as "very rigid".

Following the Board's assessment of future profit and sales targets for Trigger Oslo, the company's shares are written down by NOK 7.7 million.

The company now has a book value of 20 million euros, according to the annual accounts.

Trigger (Group), Earnings in 2017 (in MNOK) 2017 2016 Change
Turnover 54.2 82.6 -34.4%
Operating result (ebit) -5.5 8.8 -%
Profit before tax -5.2 8.8 [19659011] –

Costly Restructuring

The company points out that the creation of several new companies and the development of new technologies as part of the restructuring of the company are what cost to the company. ;business. Longer would be an office, but change the operation to become a development agency.

Daving's CEO, Preben Carlsen, told the DN that he was expecting worse results in 2017 than had previously been the case. Carlsen joined the Group's CEO in March of this year, but remains the biggest owner of the company.

Trigger's much focused on the development of the Pathfinder digital consulting platform last year. The platform will advise businesses on the best way to digitally convert, based on the program's interpretation of data such as accounting, surveys and skill surveys.

This platform, recently renamed Timeshift, will now join former CEO Carlsen in his new company, Reodor – formerly known as Trigger X.

CEO Kvam Kristoffersen says the company has stumbled on the year

– It has cost to come here, but as a professional environment, we have never been better than we are now. Everyone at Trigger has accumulated valuable experiences on how to change and transform over time. We have gone through the fire in this area now, see what pitfalls are present – even falling into a few, "she said in the press release.

Continue as before

Kvam Kristoffersen says that the company will not change course after the economic week. Trigger will continue to focus on its role as an agency of communication and digital consulting

– Through our efforts of innovation and the creation of new companies, we can propose solutions ranging from l & # 39; product innovation to market positioning. It's a pretty unique position in the current market, she says. (Terms)

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