TV Review: "Who is America?" – The right side is the new animated series of the star "Borat". For good reason


Twelve years after "Borat", Sacha Baron Cohen, shock comedian, who is also behind characters like Ali G and Bruno, returns to have you put the spritz aperol in your throat. But does the man who does everything he can to challenge good taste, folklore and autonomy still have the ability to provoke, open eyes, and especially to make us laugh at our stomach ailments?

the questions are a solid "I do not know", which says more about the time we live than the quality of the freshest project of SBC

The answer to it is thankfully a resounding yes [19659004] 19659006] First on July 15th. New episodes every Monday


The man behind Borat takes the temperature of the United States with his usual shock humor



" This shows where the descent went with the best democracy in the world in recent years "

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"Who is America?" Was cleaned this week, with the help of high-ranking anxious politicians (including Sarah Palin) who, in an attempt to prevent damage control admitted that they had been cheated interviewed by one of Cohen's characters and tried to swear him as an atheist socialist who tricked veterans.

Images of the Crazy World

Formerly the series is not far from what it did before: under the guise of being a documentary series with acute leanings, interviews a character unrecognizable Cohen disguised behind the awesome makeup of various representatives of America today.

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Some of the segments appear to be a showcase for Cohen's figures, where interviewers are asked to nod politely "

The" Patriot "Billy Wayne Disabled is the first to use the language of insinuating conspiracy theory when he speaks with a polite Bernie Sanders and attributes to Obamacare the responsibility that he has gone from being healthy to suddenly being diagnosed with diabetes. I and II and calcium deposits, and explain the state of affairs with a leveling and level of argumentation in line with the commentator of Resett. (This figure should also be questioned by Palin, the case with it is not included in this episode, which, to my great pleasure, weakens the allegations that his disgrace is simply a cascade of upset PR. )


Next The venerable stereotype of Dr. Nira Cain-N Degeocello, who presents himself as "a heterosexual man white and cis, and I am sorry," is the element the more fun of this episode.

Nira having dinner with a conservative Christian Republican couple and with both despair and self-defeating understanding about when the woman betrays him with a large marine mammal is paradoxically a "strong humor" delivered by a man who obviously belongs on the liberal side of the political spectrum. At the same time, it eliminates both the boundless political correctness of left-wing academics, without truth, and the parodic prejudices that many have against them, with a self-esteem that the right of thunder n & # 39; 39, was never able to expel

. It's with the least satirical impulse, where a former British prisoner visits an art gallery to expose the paintings he's done in prison, with all his bodily fluids like raw material. It's unclear what Cohen really tries to achieve here, but the gallerienne's enthusiasm makes sure that everything really ends up being very nice, on top of all the bad guys. Perhaps it is also supposed to remind us how elite Americans and openness can actually be.

Sharp satire charge

fourth feature that it is the objects of interview that become a target disc, and the satire literally becomes a sharpener. So it's only now that he's going to fetch the big Republican fish. Here is Israeli Colonel Cohen Erran Morad, the "Terminator Terror," who with such an absurd accent that he seems to urge investigators to reveal him, attracts a handful of gendarmes and GOP politicians to support his project "The Kinder Guardians ": Training weapons for toddlers from 4 years old and up. "My son was at the very first program, that he rests in peace. He died doing what I love " says Morad, without the interrogator object despising a mine.

The willingness of politicians to participate wholeheartedly, even when a fun promotional song for guns (The Gunny Rabbit, The Uzicorn, etc.) for kindergarten children, or Morad attracts the raping on his wife to make him hear the resounding laughs of an old white pamphit, tells how this happened with the World's Best Democracy ™

? Hopefully, but maybe not the way you want. Have you seen real advertisements from the NRA or followed the president on Twitter, you know that satire in practice can never go beyond reality and that she will not even try to impose her totalitarian attitudes and to attack the foundations of democracy. And at a time when the cognitive headbands at these degrees are being slaughtered, where any argument of opposition does not meet self-esteem or a desire to understand, but rather dig further into the trenches, support his team In the same way morally concealed is – just because of the debate in discrediting the messenger, it may not be realistic to expect that a program such as "Who is there?" 39; America "? will lead to something other than a greater polarization. The lean offense is already underway, how insignificant is not Cohen when he sails under the false flag and hides his polite and well-meaning politicians to say things that will make even a fascist receptionist blush?

Obviously, it's a bomb pretty much on the ball. The genius of Cohen is this time that he does nothing to discourage anyone. There are no traps here, no one is cheated to argue with one of his values. Despite the disguise, he is open to 100% with what he makes them do. These politicians do not promote firefighting for four year olds because they are polite or because they misunderstand what he says.

They do it because they are in agreement

They are America, 2018.

on the first episode.

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