"The most important thing for us is to ensure the safety of residents, employees and the local community, so we ordered Heimta to move the resident who was intimidating to the environment," said Regional Director Sissel Mehammer from UDI.
NRK announced Wednesday that asylum seekers had been placed in health centers in eastern Norway, including near a nursery in Greåker, Sarpsborg.
The staff and parents of the nursery are worried after several scary experiences. The Sarpsborg police also confirmed that the shelter staff had been exposed to violence.
The reason is that the Directorate of Immigration (UDI), this summer, has decided to establish a separate reception for asylum seekers with violent or threatening behavior.
Heimta AS was responsible for the installation of 15 asylum seekers at the Sølvskottberget institute in Øyer, Gudbrandsdalen, surrounded by forests on both sides.
Think the system has failed
However, the company was unable to establish the institution in Øyer and, consequently, divide asylum seekers into existing homes. When Heimta wanted to make the temporary regime permanent, UDI perceived this behavior as a violation of the agreement.
On Wednesday, Heimta chose to terminate the deal as they had failed to provide a professionally sound offer in Øyer.
Abid Raja (V) thinks that Heimta has broken the prerequisites for the UDI contract by placing asylum seekers outpatient in a residential area in Sarpsborg.
Photo: scanpix by Terje Pedersen / NTB
UDI informs NRK that the company terminated the contract six months later.
Asylum seekers can stay in the other Heimta institutions in eastern Norway for another six months. This is a reaction to Parliamentary Commissioner Abid Raja.
"It is a joke to place violent and potentially dangerous asylum seekers near families with children, where the system is down and needs to be cleaned up immediately to restore the safety of residents," Raja told NRK.
"If this kindergarten has to live in uncertainty for six months, it is not safe," says Raja.
The mountains of Silver Mountain in Øyer (mountain) are surrounded by woods, while Greåkerveien in Sarpsborg is full of houses and a nursery.
Photo: NRK / Thomas Andersen
– Very critical
Raja believes that Heimta violated the terms of the agreement with UDI and exposed the local community to Greåker for an unsustainable and precarious situation.
– The prerequisites were clear. The 15 asylum seekers were to be placed in a reception, far from the premises and with about forty employees. But the fake has failed. They exposed children and families to great insecurity. I find this very criticized and extremely regrettable, he says.
Storting representative Erlend Wiborg of the Progress Party calls the case "totally unacceptable".
"I expect you to take care of the safety of children and that employees come first," he says.
Expect the agreement to end soon
The Ministry of Justice does not want to comment on the case and refers to UDI who signed the contract with Heimta.
UDI Regional Director Sissel Mehammer said he wanted close monitoring of the residential housing situation.
"We will follow Heimta very closely and make sure that they comply with the requirements of the contract and the contract, and we will launch a new competition as soon as possible," says Mehammer.
Erlend Wiborg is aware that the agreement should be terminated before the six month notice period.
"Although it is a temporary solution, I expect it to be terminated as soon as possible," he said.
General Manager Truls Navestad in Heimta AS does not want to comment on this.
KOA can take over
KOA is one of the companies that can stand ready to take over. Heimta won second place in the contest.
At present, they do not know what it will mean for them that Heimta has terminated the agreement and that they have not been contacted by the UDI.
"But if they want the number two in the competition to be selected, we are obviously ready to do it, which is why we took part in the competition," says Hans Henrik Sørensen, Head of Marketing and Communications at Humana, the parent company of KOA.
Sørensen believes that the KOA has appropriate premises and employees and is ready to take over.
"We are a big responsible company that can handle this, we are waiting for a new call for bids and then we will determine whether or not we will participate in the next round, but then the cards are put back again and we have to see how we let's do it, he says.
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