Unknown Kubrick manuscript found after 60 years: – I could not believe it


He is one of the great masters of cinema, with iconic films like "The Shining", "Eyes Wide Shut" and "2001: A Space Odyssey" on the merit list. Now, a scenario that he wrote over 60 years ago has become a film.

"A boy of about 10 years old stands on the porch with his hands on his back, almost like an adult.He is alone, bored and plays with a jojo … "

How to start the script" Burning Secret ". Having disappeared for more than 60 years, it must finally come true. This includes The Guardian

The screenplay, written by Kubrick with novelist Calder Willingham, is an adapter of a short novel of the same name, written by Austrian author Stefan Zweig. Kubrick and Willingham later collaborated on the film "Paths of Glory."

– Incredibly Exciting

The script was found by Nathan Abrams, professor of film science at the American University of Bangor.

– I could not believe it, says Kubrick's chief expert at The Guardian.

– The script was supposed to be lost forever.

According to The Independent, he found the script by researching the book Eyes Wide Shut: Stanley Kubrick and the making of his final film, to be published in 2019.

Abrams says that the script is well over 100 pages.

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– It is a complete script, so there is nothing that can be filmed today, said

In this case, it would not be the first time that one of Kubrick's projects would be completed after his death. In 2001, Steven Spielberg directed the movie "AI", as Kubrick had worked until 1995.

According to Abrams, the film shots have long been known by Kubrick. Enthusiasts, but no one knew how far the project had begun

– Now we have a physical copy proving that he wrote a whole movie script.

– Infidelity and Child Abuse

the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) film company, and is dated October 24, 1956. Kubrick was still relatively unknown at that time. According to The Guardian, other sources claim that the company told Kubrick's production partner, James B Harris, that she was not looking at the movie's potential in the script.

Nathan Abrams has another theory. He thinks that history might have broken with the Hollywood Film Production Code, or the "Hays Code," a set of guidelines to which all film productions were to adhere until 1968. [19659002Theactionwasaddedtoathermalbathwhereamaninitiatesaninappropriatefriendshipwitha10-year-oldboytogetclosertohismotherHeisdescribedas"averyhandsomemanmaleofabout30"

– L & # 39; the child plays a role of ignorant connection between his mother and his eminent lover, and under the surface one shines at the same time the infidelity and the mistreatment. Americanized

He describes the story as a "backward Lolita", referring to Kubrick's filming of Vladimir Nabokov's controversial novel about a middle-aged teacher who falls in love with a girl of 12 years. 19659002] – In "Burning Secret" the main character initiates a friendship with the son to reach the mother. In "Lolita", the main character marries the mother to join the girl, he says.

He thinks that Kubrick received "Lolita" through the census in 1962.

Comparisons of Abram "Burning Secret" "With" Eyes Wide Shut ", which is also based on a novel Austrian cartography, Arthur Schnitzler's "Dream Story" of 1926. He often recounts Kubrick's American-European stories.

– Kubrick wrote it with an American name and adapted to his contemporary American, he says.

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