Uses helicopters to put out forest fires in Lindås


The fire department recovered two helicopters to extinguish the Lindås forest fires. They also use the drone to have an overview. Housing and cabins are evacuated.

The fire department received the first fire report at 4:45 pm and arrived 30 minutes later.

It still burns in a forest in Botsholmneset near Vikanes in the municipality of Lindås. We will talk about a heather and a forest fire that spreads rapidly in the wind.

Just before midnight, firefighters report that they have control of the fire. There are no visible flames, but the fire is still not considered extinguished. Due to the high temperature in the soil, there is a risk that the fire will fire again, reports Stein Rune Helleraker West.

The two helicopters closed at night and the fire department and civil defense will be on site overnight. .

Large expanse

BT's maintained with firefighters and police on the spot. It is estimated that the fire has a range of 50 to 70 goals a little after 8 pm.

– I dare not say that we have been fully controlled, but we will send a drone to get a glimpse ", says Nils Medaas, team leader for the fire department at Lindås, for BT Saturday night.

There must be at least 35 firefighters on site and two fire trucks come and go to a nearby base station to fill the water.

– Two fire stations in Bergen are ready to help if needed, says Medaas.

Houses and Cabins Evacuated

– It looks like the flames are coming up and away from a cottage area in the area, and there is no indication that the wind should turn, said Bjarte Rebnord , police officer Saturday afternoon.

According to Deputy Chief of Police John Endre Skeie, seven houses and seven people were evacuated.

The police monitor the field of the cottage and block the area. There should be no danger for housing, and emergency services are now working to prevent proliferation.

Long-Term Work

At 10 pm, there is still no estimate of the time it takes before the fire goes out.

– Inmates in the area board the two helicopters and take a picture of the situation. Jacob Hartvigsen, guard at 110th Central Station.

– After the fire goes out, we must continue work after at least a day, says Skeie, deputy chief of the West District Police.

The goal is to bring the five evacuees back to the cabins during the evening, he said.

Give priority to building

NTB reports that firefighters will give priority to extinction in the village and let it burn on the side of the mountain where it is difficult to arrive. The crews were helped by two helicopters.

They went from the sea to the mountains where they threw water. When the tank was to be filled with fuel, they landed as well on E 39.

According to the fire department, it is too steep to get up in the ground above the fire station that s & rsquo; Extends from Vikanesvegen to Urdalen. The Civil Defense was filed

Drotningsvik states that the fire department managed to limit the fire in nearby houses, but firefighters did not control the fire in the side of the mountain

. "It's terribly stiff there and there is a high-voltage cable, so it's not easy," Drotningsvik said.

25-30 people from the Civil Defense are now on their way to help in the work of extinction. They come from the departments of Lindås and Bergen, reports the Civil Protection on Twitter just before 20.

Ringtone of Osterøy

A field on the E39 in Vikanes was closed because of the l & # 39; Fire at 5:30 pm

. The other field is routed manually and it is uncertain when the road opens again.

At 6 pm, people from Osterøy started calling the fire department. This is because there is a strong smoke in the area, according to Drotningsvik.

– We have passed the place and further north. Smoke could be seen from Romarheimsdalen, says Marius Holmås in BT

Crew from several stations

Lawyer Ronald Drotningsvik states that the fire department sent crews from Knarvik, Modalen, Masfjorden and a tanker with Åsane. keep staying. According to Drotningsvik, we must have the crew ready when we empty the resources to the north.

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