A 17-year-old boy is sentenced as a result of an 18-year-old Coop mendicant in Vadsø, Finnmark. Emergency data received a message about the incident at 9:55 pm Saturday night and the 18 year old was found dead by ambulance staff shortly.
It is unclear when the 18-year-old was killed and the thrifty police with information. According to the police, there is no known relationship between the 17th and 18th centuries.
The murder triggered a four-hour police act in the small town of Finnmark with over 6,000 residents last night. The man should have been armed with a knife and jumped on the sea when the police stopped him.
The 18-year-old, killed in Vadsø, was working in the Coop Extra store when the incident occurred.
– It is with sadness we can confirm that he was one of our employees at Extra Vadsø, who was killed last night, "says Jan-Ivar Alsén in Coop Finnmark at TV 2 [19659006Healsoannouncesthatacrisisteamistakingcareofstoreemployees19659006] Dagbladet failed to get in touch with Alsén on Sunday
Appointed by
The youth of Vadsø are also marked. Last night, many of them gathered at the Scandic hotel where they were taken in charge by the municipality 's crisis team The article continues for the announcement
in the center. In addition, the bridge was blocked from the center of Vadsø and on the other side of Vadsøya, according to the police.
– This was an unexplained situation tonight. The councilor of the municipality, Jens Betsi, in Dagbladet
did not condemn the sentence, but the police had contact only twice with the annoying behavior of the last month
. ] The relationship between the killed and the victim is not yet known. The reason for the murder is also unknown, according to the police.
Dagbladet has been in contact with 17-year-old defender Vidar Zahl Arntzen, who has not spoken to his client yet. The police announce that they will hold a press conference on the murder in the afternoon
– Lived at
The counselor was present at the hotel, close to the place of the murder, with nurses, the Red Cross and several other volunteers. According to Betsi, the local youth wanted to stay at the hotel
– I felt that young people were more relaxed when the report that the victim was arrested came. They were then able to focus on grief and let go of fear, "said Betsi
. The governor says that their main task was to look after youth yesterday
– it was demanding, says Betsi, who states that long-term work begins now
Collection Site [19659021] A psychosocial team will meet this morning to develop a road map. Comprising doctors and other wise people who will help those who need it.
About 70 to 80 young people left the assembly area around 3 pm Now they rest, says the counselor.
Betsi announces that the church of Vadsø is open from 1 pm and that all those who want to meet will be present. The counselor also tells the family that the deceased is being cared for
– Young people are wonderfully gifted to see and care for each other. It is a small community and the deceased has another great circle of acquaintances
– Preger Society
The mayor of Vadsø met the sad message when he was on vacation
– I am on vacation in Sweden but I come to Sweden to cancel here a few days to return to Vadsø, says Mayor Hans Jacob Bønå at iFinnmark
He points out that this characterizes the whole small Finnmark community.
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