Very little happened as planned when Blizzard updated World of Warcraft this week


The big update that took place Wednesday on World of Warcraft was not as easy as Blizzard had hoped. This update should lay the foundation for Battle for Azeroth, the extension that will be released next month.

However, a long list of software failures has made the experience bad for most people who have played since Wednesday.

says, however, that they correct hundreds of software errors a day and that for each day that passes, the experience will get better and better for those who play.

Missions impossible to perform, equipment that does not work properly, enemies that have been scaled and graphic errors (Kael's in Tempest Keep are now bald) are among the problems that have occurred since the release of the update

A good overview of errors has been collected.

Numbering Problems Cause Problems

State Squish

A state squish in World of Warcraft occurs when the numbers have become too high after several years when players get better equipment. g higher level. Then the numbers are shipped millions to much lower numbers on everything related to life, attributes and damage that can cause attacks. This should not affect the degree of difficulty and make it easier for consumers to identify themselves.

Since Wednesday's update, what is most important is the "squish state" implemented by Blizzard. They did it for the first time when the Warlords of Draenor extension was released in 2014.

However, it seems that Blizzard was mistaken in trying to reduce the numbers, which led to the balance of the game. completely gone.

The result is an abundance of problems. People at lower levels do not hurt enemies and struggle to move forward, while it does not seem much better for people who have reached the level. Many enemies are far better than they should kill a shot, which makes it impossible to move on.

Ian Hazzikostas, director of World of Warcraft, said in a series of questions and answers that the base of players deserved better than what they were given with the update. In addition, he said that they had a completely different approach when the songs were shot in the Draenor warlords.

At this point, they manually changed to all the numbers in the game, tens of thousands of attacks and effects. However, until Wednesday's update, they had thought that they had prepared a system that would make it easier, and Hazzikostas explained that they could now "turn a button" to understand numbers.

However, it did not go well. and the consequences have been software failures on hundreds of thousands of creatures, magic and thousands of missions, according to Hazzikostas.

Below you can see the video of the whole question and answer

The game is included when you subscribe

] With the update of Wednesday, it should be mentioned that there had good news for people who want to start playing World of Warcraft or who have been away from play for a long time.

Previously, you had to buy World Warcraft as well as game extensions as well as the cost of the subscription (it just costs over $ 100 a month to subscribe to the game). Now it is no longer necessary to buy the game itself, because everything that happens until the last extension will be unlocked and bought if you subscribe

Battle for Azeroth will be published on August 14 and can be purchased for 350 kroner in addition to abonneringsprisen.

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