Wednesday comes tax lists –


Molde: Starting Wednesday morning, will have tax lists of local people, as well as editorials.

The tax settlement for 4.8 million people and 317,000 businesses is now complete. You can still change your tax return for 2017 if you notice an error. Tax lists are available on November 7th.

This is what the tax administration says in a press release.

The total tax settlement for 2017 shows that employees, retirees and personal traders paid a total of NOK 492 billion in income taxes. 317,000 companies paid a total of 81 billion Norwegian kroner (excluding oil).

3.2 million employees, retirees and self – employed benefited from the tax paid during the tax settlement of the year and from 760,000 residual taxes paid. For three out of four people who have received a tax or a residual tax, the amount is less than 15,000 NOK. For any of the 25 (4%), the amount is greater than 50,000 crowns.

"Most people pay the correct amount of taxes throughout the year, and the residual tax is because your financial conditions were different from those for which the tax deduction was calculated. avoid this by adjusting the tax card information throughout the year, explains the director of taxation, Hans Christian Holte, in the press release.

Tax Lists are available for search on November 7

The tax lists for the 2017 income year are available for research on from 7 November. The search includes net numbers for individuals and businesses. It lists the people who have applied for you in tax lists.

Since last October, 1.6 million taxpayer searches on have been done, spread over 440,000 unique connections. It's pretty much the same as the year before. In comparison, it was the year prior to the recording of the search: 16.5 million searches on nearly 927,000 unique logins.

Tax lists are available here from 7 November

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