The Bucharest festival has reserved the Weezer group for the festival next year. The festival says in a press release that the band is one of the world's biggest rock bands and writes that "their clever lyrics, a good deal of humor and their engaging videos gave Weezer a special place in the history of rock ".

Weezer was founded in 1992 and includes, among other things, songs such as "Say it's not so much", "Island in the Sun" and "Buddy Holly".

This writes the festival in the press release:

"Weezer has been one of the most important groups in my life and is in many ways a central soundtrack to my education.What they come to Bukta are almost completely unreal.It will be very crazy, according to the director of the "Rape Gal Festival", Lasse Lauritz Pettersen, according to the press release of the festival.