Weinstein accused of rape by another woman


The new prosecution points have a minimum sentence of ten years of imprisonment and a maximum life sentence, Monday Monday.

Weinstein is charged with raping and assaulting one woman in 2013 and another in 2004. They New Charges Report Serious Sexual Assault Against Another Woman in 2006.

– A Large Manhattan jury has now charged Weinstein with some of the most serious sexual offenses in the New York Penal Code, said prosecutor Cyrus R. Vance Jr., in a 66-year-old

Weinstein press release. repeatedly denied the numerous allegations of assault against him, and he was again found guilty when he inaugurated a hearing in New York in June.


He released custody of a $ 1 million bail in May. Weinstein must carry electronic images and can not travel outside the states of New York and Connecticut.

Vance praises the "unusual motive expelled by the survivors who have appeared" and points out that the Weinstein investigation is continuing.

– If you survived the predatory abuse of which Weinstein is accused, it is not yet too late to seek justice,

Weinstein's client, Ben Brafman, expects to a complete resignation as a result of the new charges and reiterates that all Weinstein's actions took place consent. A new hearing is scheduled for the 66th anniversary of July 9th.


One hundred women reported being harassed and sexually abused by Harvey Weinstein over the last two decades. Until the revelation of last fall, Weinstein was considered one of the most powerful men in Hollywood.

Salma Hayek, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie are among dozens of actors who have accused Weinstein of sexual harassment. Others said that they were raped.

The charges against Weinstein were the beginning of the metoo campaign that contributed to the exposure of harassment and abuse in a large number of countries.

Weinstein was first charged in New York in May, almost eight months after the first lawsuit against him appeared.

(© NTB)

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