– When driving so fast, the vehicle travels nearly 41 meters per second


On Monday morning, a person was stopped by police at Gullesfjord in Sortland, while he was traveling at 147 km / h in an 80-kilometer zone. According to the director of operations of the Nordland Police District, Fred Leirvik, there was a foreign man driving the car. The police created a case related to the alley.

– It is now up to the lawyer to settle the sentence. The normal punishment with such phenomena is conditional or unconditional imprisonment, says Leirvik.

The director of operations points out that running at 147 km / h implies the risk of stork and can have very serious consequences if it goes wrong

the vehicle moves 40.3 meters per second, then it goes quick. Such a car could be a danger to other road users on the road. For example, if a bird arrives in front of the car and the driver has to move away, the margins are so small that it takes a short time for an accident to occur, he says [19659005].

– We also know high speeds on the Norwegians. Now, in the summer, we get a lot of messages about high-speed driving and, like unrestricted road users, Fred Leirvik hits

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