World of Warcraft is still alive: this week it's a lot new


In mid-August, the next expansion of World of Warcraft, but already Wednesday this week, Blizzard releases a so-called "pre-patch" of the game.

It brings all the class changes and adjustments who are expected to Battle for Azeroth, which is the name of the extension. The "Artifact" weapon that was a major part of the Legion 's expansion will also be disabled, and all items that have been put into the weapon will now be inactive.

Nevertheless, this does not mean that all the bonuses they gave to the Legion will be lost. , as some of them have been transferred to BfA.

The Battle of Azeroth will be launched on August 14, with which the match between the Alliance and the Horde will really begin. Until the expansion, new assignments will be given each week that leads to the new content.

These quests will only be available during the pre-patch

The numbers are displayed

At the same time, there will also be a "state squish", which Blizzard has already done in World of Warcraft. This means that the numbers of the previous enlargement reaches millions of digits will be refined to lower numbers.

This is done on everything from the attributes and lives of your characters, to the life of the enemy and the damage. This has no effect on the difficulty of the game, and should only be such that it is easier to relate to the numbers.

Lady Sylvanas heads the Horde frontline, while King Anduin Wrynn must do the same for Alliance Photo: Blizzard

End PvP servers

Another feature of the next update is that PvP (Player vs. Player) servers as we know them will no longer exist.

Now you will have a choice if you want to participate in PvP in the open world and if you want to participate, you will meet

There will also be better PvP awards in the open world, as points of interest. experience if you have not reached the makk level.

Removed Loot System

Most people who played in the world of Warcraft were in a situation where the equipment was distributed incorrectly, unfairly or stolen for personal gain through the system. Master Looter ". This meant that the head of the company could, in principle, distribute equipment without anyone being able to do anything.

Now this system has been removed from play and all equipment will be shared independently of each other. At the same time, you can also provide the equipment you get to someone else if they need it more and vice versa.

Here you can read about all the changes that are happening this week.

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