Young girl (13) found dead in Jæren – NRK Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio


The teenage girl was found near her in Møllevgen. The road lies between an excursion area and the settlement on the outskirts of the city center of Varhaug in the municipality of Hå.

On-site searches mean that the police regard death as suspicious.

– Our main hypothesis is that we are facing a murder, but at the same time I want to emphasize that we are opening up other opportunities, said police counselor Herdis Traa at a conference of press today.

The police do not know what happened. But finding on the spot makes us consider a suspicious death.

Police were in the night after midnight on Varhaug in connection with a robbery. In this regard, the police were contacted by the father of the girl who was looking for the girl. Since she did not return after visiting a girlfriend


The person who found the girl knew the deceased. The girl was found near the residence where she lived.

The police investigate, interrogate and investigate in the region

It is blocked by a larger area of ​​a few hundred meters, and forensic scientists are now working on the scene

– There are three technicians from Crimea here now. In addition to a group of supervised police officers. In addition, there will be more people who will work on the tactical investigation and look for addresses in Varhaug, Paulsen said.

The autopsy will be autopsied.

Up to now, there are no suspects in the case.

– We work as fast as possible. We are largely exploring the investigation, says police advisor Herdis Traa.

Kripos assists in the investigation

The Southwest Police District has asked Kripos for help in further investigation. The director of communications, Ida Dahl Nilssen, confirms to the NRK that she has sent more people to Jæren

– We are on the way to the site with several investigators who will help with tactical assistance and technique, says Dahl Nilssen. with more details related to death for further investigation. But at eleven o'clock, the police will inform the press of the death

  Varhaug kills
Photo: Pål Berg Mortensen / NRK

The policeman Victor Jensen announces to NRK that relatives have been warned

The public [19659007] The police want advice from the public who may have seen or heard something during the night. A board phone was created with the number 51899427.

– We have already received some advice, but we are very interested in public advice, "says Paulsen.

They want observations made during the time of 23:00 Sunday at 3:00 night to Monday

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