Young Left will abolish the asylum system of the church


The youth of the left believes that the asylum of the church undermines the Norwegian asylum system and will put an end to this practice. Not unexpectedly, he is strongly reacted by ecclesiastical teams.

Sondre Hansmark, recently re-elected leader of the Left Youth Party, points out that it is not up to politicians to relate to what is holy or not.

"The police and the state have monopolies of violence everywhere, whether it's a church hall or a church." We can not distinguish between halls and churches. Church of ordinary halls, "says Hansmark to Our country.

The youth party believes that Kirkeasyl undermines the Norwegian asylum system. They do not want the regime to become a haven for asylum seekers to whom an eviction decision has been granted and will remove the asylum from the church in order to increase the legal protection of asylum seekers.

The bishop of Bjørgvin, Halvor Nordhaug, reacts strongly to the decision. He calls this a "dramatic violation of the Christian heritage".

"It is an expression of a flat secularism and an attitude that does not understand what the Holy Hall means," said the bishop.

KrF's parliamentary representative, Geir J. Bakkevold, told NTB that he agreed that kirkeasyl was not an optimal arrangement for a party, but that it was important for him to respect the churches and that the company has such a valve.

"Therefore, I think it is both sad and sensational that the young left has passed a ban." Left was already with us in this case, but that seems to be a sign of the liberal shift of the center that is going on. has been operated in recent years in recent years, he believes.

Read also: One in four asylum seekers this year comes from Turkey

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