"Not enough": Elizabeth Warren tells Walmart "should do more" to limit ammunition sales


Senator Elizabeth Warren called on Walmart to "do more" to limit the sale of firearms and ammunition on Tuesday; The retail giant's decision to reduce sales of handgun ammunition is a "good start".

"It's a good start, but it's not enough. Walmart can and should do a lot more. And we now need a real gun reform, "said Warren on social networks.

US retailer Walmart confirmed on Tuesday its intention to end the sale of handgun ammunition in stores across the country; saying that they intend to focus on "shotguns" and other "sports accessories".

"Walmart is on the verge of ending handgun sales in Alaska and will end the sale of short barrel rifle ammunition and rifles to stores across the country," said President and Chief Executive Officer of the super channel, Tuesday afternoon, "reports Fox News. "The store said it would focus on long-barreled rifles and shotguns, that they would provide much of the ammunition they need and that they would provide clothing and supplies. hunting and sports accessories. "

"We have a long tradition as a responsible hunter and sportsman, and we will continue to do so," said McMillon.

Walmart also asks customers living in "open portage states" to refrain from putting firearms in their stores without the permission of law enforcement and local officials.

"We encourage our nation's leaders to move forward, strengthen background checks and remove weapons from those who are determined to pose imminent danger," the statement said.

The announcement comes a few weeks after only one gunman opened fire at an El Paso Walmart store; killing 22 people and injuring dozens of others.

Read the full report on Fox News.


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