Note 10+ vs Huawei P30 vs Pixel 3 vs iPhone XS Max: Comparison of LOW LIGHT cameras


There is a new competitor in the race for smartphones: the Galaxy Note 10+ is Samsung's first flagship phone with the built-in night mode camera application and some improvements over the Galaxy S10 + for a more refined camera experience.

But how is it in the most difficult conditions for a smartphone camera: in low light?

To understand how the Galaxy Note 10+ can operate in low light, compare it directly to the best camera phones on the market: the Google Pixel 3, the Huawei P30 Pro and the popular iPhone XS Max.

It is interesting to note that with the exception of the old iPhone, all phones in this comparison have embraced the idea of ​​a separate Night Mode. In addition, some phones are applying a new technology that makes it possible to shoot a lot more light from an almost black photo. See all these differences and find out which phone is best for you at night below.

Photo 1: absolute darkness

The new Galaxy Note 10+ may offer a ton of fancy features and options, but we wanted to start this comparison by simply using the automatic settings, using the default photo mode. We chose a place that we would not normally think of photographing: a black corner of the street. This is probably the most difficult scenario for a camera: there was so little light that it was difficult to see our derisory human vision. Interestingly, a phone stood out here: the Huawei P30 Pro has managed to bring out the light of this black environment as if by magic and to take clearly the most beautiful picture here.

All the other phones captured different shades of black (a bit like what our eyes saw). It was a very interesting test: we have to say once again that we would not usually even think about taking a picture in such black, so we are impressed by the fact that the Huawei P30 Pro is able to capture these seemingly impossible conditions.

Photo 2: Auto vs night mode

Then it was time to try the night mode and see the results on different phones.

What you need to know about the Galaxy Note 10+ is that using the Night mode is an exercise in patience, as a single shot takes a long time to grasp. In comparison, Nightsight on the Pixel takes only one second to process a shot, while it takes a lot more time on the Note 10+ (and on the P30 Pro elsewhere). The iPhone does not have the night mode, so it can not compete with the competition.

On all phones, the Night mode records a brighter and more colorful image, but this improvement is at the expense of details that are artificially overcrowded and less enjoyable.

It is hard to say which phone captures the best picture in this case, but one thing that is remarkable is that the colors on the Huawei appear much colder than on the others.

Photo 3: Neons

It was an interesting shot because the neon lights give a unique character to a night shot. We were surprised by the way the Huawei P30 Pro treated the neon signs: it basically failed to correctly represent the reddish color of the sign and had less detail than the others.

The best image here is the one taken by Google Pixel: it offers the best dynamic range, deep colors, a very good amount of detail and a superb rendering. The Galaxy and the iPhone captured very similar images, but slightly less impressive than the Pixel.

Photo 4: Moonlit coastline

The moonlit coastline was really beautiful that night and we were delighted to be able to capture a scene that would probably have looked like a blurry mess on a photo a few years ago.

We believe that using the Night mode helped improve this image, but it also showed how much Night mode might seem a bit excessive. Especially on the Galaxy Note and Google Pixel here, the colors seem downright caricatured and excessively exaggerated. We would say that the iPhone has captured the least details and light on this photo, and that is clearly the least exciting photo here. We would then classify the Galaxy and Pixel, while the Huawei P30 Pro seems actually the most balanced. photo in this case.

Photo 5: The road

The night mode of this last scene has made a subtle contribution to the image and we must recognize that the Galaxy Note 10+ is able, in this case, to capture a very nice photo with pleasant colors. On the Huawei P30 Pro, the colors are ghostly and far too cold, to the point of reducing the appeal of the photo. The pixel goes in the other extreme: its colors are extremely oversaturated and seem caricatural. Finally, the iPhone in all images, including this one, appears darker than the others. We want Apple to find a way to let more light to make nighttime pictures more appealing. For the rest, the iPhone has a large amount of detail, but it's simply not able to capture enough light at night.


It's time to sum things up and look at the total score and (rolling) the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ wins this one just by the way. It is closely followed by the Huawei P30 Pro and the Google Pixel 3. The iPhone XS Max is far behind these three phones in terms of low-light capabilities.
What really counts is what really matters: the Galaxy Note 10+ is number one, as it can strike the right balance between features, cool colors, night mode and multiple camera possibilities. We were, however, annoyed by the time required to capture a photo in the night mode on the note, then by the time needed to process this photo, both of which are very annoying if you take a lot of photos at night.
The Huawei P30 Pro may be in second place in this comparison, but in some cases, it is clearly unparalleled: just watch this first image in intense darkness where it is able to capture a ton of light without using the Night mode. trigger and you get an amazing photo when everyone else fails. Would you like to start taking absolute dark pictures regularly? We do not think so, but you might as well try now that a phone can do it.
The Google Pixel 3 is another great night artist. The Pixel, which was never equal, finally finally has good rivals and we can start to see the areas in which Google can and should improve. Namely, colors that are always very oversaturated, exaggerated to the point of appearing caricatural. For the rest, it's an excellent performer and the most enjoyable to use because its Nightscape mode is the fastest of all.
The iPhone XS Max marks its last victory in this elite company. It lacks the light collection capabilities of the rest and Apple does not offer night mode to save objects. We hope that major improvements will soon be made in these areas.

And this rounds off our comparison in low light of the best dogs with regard to the quality of the camera. Which one is your personal favorite and why? We look forward to your comments in the comments section below.


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