Notre Dame Football publishes latest COVID-19 test results and identifies two new cases of COVID-19


Another week of Notre Dame football test results yielded positive results, but in low numbers.

Notre Dame had two players who tested positive between Nov. 3 and Sunday, the team announced Monday night, and are in isolation for 10 days. Two others were identified as close contacts and placed in a 14-day quarantine. Neither was in Saturday’s 47-40 win over Clemson. The team administered 258 tests during this time.

Notre Dame trials Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. The absence of these four players in COVID-19 protocols means their testing likely took place earlier in the week. These four are the only players in isolation or in quarantine.

This is the fourth week in a row that a player has tested positive, but no more than two cases have occurred in a week since Notre Dame resumed play on October 10. No more than two close contacts were identified in a week, suggesting minimal potential for the team to spread due to the positive cases. Notre Dame hasn’t had a virus-related game absence among players on its two depths in any of the past four games.

Sunday’s test results are unlikely to have given rise to any cases possibly passed on during the assault on the pitch after the game. Coach Brian kelly doesn’t care about the potential consequences and spreads among his crowd players on the pitch, however.

My concerns are not great about the post-game students on the field, “Kelly said on Monday.” These students were tested during the week, and our players knew they had to leave the field in time. timely.

“We don’t think this will be a situation that will affect our football team, but we will have plans in place in case it becomes an issue.”

Notre-Dame’s fall semester ends on November 20. There are about 221 active cases on campus, although every day has seen a decrease in new daily cases since 71 were reported on November 4. The school dashboard shows six new cases out of Sunday’s 324. tests administered.


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