You can not miss this episode in which, thanks to "MY CONTACTS", I managed to get into the private ward of the house of the viral team and to be the first person to the visit and film it.
The only drawback is that Yao to discover me gets angry!
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If anyone in the comments section insults, aggression or cyberbullying please do not be indifferent and report it using the following following Emoji.
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
1) Start song Take with Drone: "I'm not rich but I live as a millionaire":
2) Which country do I come from? Where do I live? Partido de Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina:
3) Why my name Nordeltus? It is a combination of the name of the neighborhood that I live "NORDELTA" and the name of Youtuber "ELRUBIUS" = NORDELTUS.
4) With which camera do you film? Although you do not believe it, I film with an iPad mini 2 and with the iPhone 5!
5) Which program do you edit your videos with? I edit them with the application "iMovie" which is FREE on the iPad mini 2! From this video, I do it with a Mac Book Pro + Adobe Premier.
6) Which Drone do you use? Brand: DJI – Mavic Pro.
7) Can you recommend my channel? For me, it's a compliment that I ask in the comments section or in other social networks that recommend your YouTube channel, but I do not recommend in my videos to any other channels, thanks a lot for your understanding ?.
8) Do you give me your WhatsApp or Skype number? For security reasons, my parents will not allow it.
9) Can you send me a greeting? Up to 300 subscribers sent greetings to everyone who asked me in the comments section. Unfortunately, after overcoming the 4000 submarines, it is no longer possible to say hello to everyone.To ask me greetings please download a video or photo to your Instagram account and put the tags : @Nordeltus #Nordeltus #SaludameNordeltus. If you do not have an Instagram account, you can ask me for a welcome message by uploading a video to your Youtube account with the title "Nordeltus Saludame".
Many boys and girls think that I have camcorders and computers to edit faces. The most important thing is creativity and tells a good story in every video!
If you propose, you can too! What are you waiting to start uploading videos to your YouTube account?
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No olviden de darle ? al video y recuerden que les doy
a los comentarios que me gustan! Por qué uso siempre la misma ropa: Gorra, Anteojos de Sol y Remera Negra de Nordeltus? Por el mismo motivo que lo hacen Batman, Superman y Spiderman! ??
Nordeltus quiero hablar con vos un cachito (no violence)
Hijo de su madre
Si si es un manshon subnormal pesao
Entra como si nada el tipo tranquiii??
"Aseguren la seguridad".
Nordeltus el bldo.
Solo en cines.
Pero que molesto sos dios!?
Like si lo denunciamos
que pasó porque desactivaste los comentarios de el anterior vídeo porque tienes miedo qu te critiquen verdad
nos decís la e reccion
nordeltus no invadas la propiedad privada pedaso de sebolla
Like si te gustaria romperle la cara
Deja de robar famaaa
No es bag es un bug y solo están en los videojuegos. Por cierto bag es mochila, a ver si aprovechamos el dinero de papi para algo productivo cómo aprender ingles
Sos un asco te ases el lindo ????
agradesco que tienes en este video tienes mas dislike que likes
y…. pronuncias mal el ingles
Nordeltus me pasas tu whatsapp alto video crack
Like si crees q nordeltus es el niño y youtuber mas pesado y si quieres q deje su canal
Ponte de nombre mierdeltus
Like si quieres que deje de molestar a youtubers
Si no le quieren dar fama ha este pobre piojo no le den dislike directamente sierren el video