Now we know exactly why Michonne leaves 'The Walking Dead'


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The dead who walk fans are not really thrilled that another cast member leaves season 10 after losing Andrew "Rick" Lincoln last year alone, the head of the series. And now, it's losing your partner, Michonneas actress Danai Gurira confirmed that season 10 will be his last on the series.

Gurira is the third member of the oldest cast in the series. It has been around for six years. He is shorter than Norman Reedus (Daryl) and Melissa McBride (Carol). It's not a huge shock after seeing his profile explode after roles in Black Panther and Avengers like Okoye that she was probably going to move on to bigger and better things. And now, we know exactly what it is, something a little unexpected.

THR reports that Danai Gurira is actually show a new series for HBO Max, WarnerMedia's next streaming service, which combines HBO content with other offers it has. The show is Americanah, based on the best-selling Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and tells the story of a woman who left Nigeria for America.

This woman will be played by none other than Gurira Black Panther co-star, Oscar Winner Lupita Nyong'o. Here is Gurira on the collaboration:

"By AmericanahChimamanda has introduced the African female voice into the consciousness of the people in an unprecedented way, "said Gurira," She makes unmistakable, familiar, universal and yet clearly specific voices, and I am honored to bring her incredible novel to life. " I am delighted to collaborate again with Lupita, who gives her an astonishing ability as an interpreter and producer This project is accompanied by the unbridled enthusiasm of HBO Max who proposed this innovative story to viewers. "

A lot Walking Dead Fans probably do not know that in his free time Danai Gurira is actually a playwright named by Tony. It was for Eclipse, a Broadway play she wrote about the Liberian Civil War. Thus, the jump of the one who became the presenter of this new project does not seem as different as it may seem at first, even if most people know it for killing zombies The dead who walk or repel the aliens in Avengers.

It seems possible that Michonne is out of the series in a way that does not necessarily kill her but allows her to meet with Rick Grimes in his trilogy of films that explain his disappearance at the hands of the mysterious helicopter. people. Many assume that she will be removed because this is the only way for her to leave the show while her children, Judith and RJ, stay at home in a way that makes sense. Some predict that, paradoxically, Negan could become Judith's main parental figure here soon enough.

Anyway, I'm happy to see Gurira win such a match, and I can not wait to see what she's doing with Americanah. And I'm just saying …Fear the undead could really use a new showrunner, so if she ever wants to come return at The dead who walk

Follow me & nbsp;on Twitter& nbsp;Facebook& nbsp; and & nbsp;Instagram. & nbsp; Read my new science fiction thriller novel & nbsp;Herokiller, now available in print and online. I also wrote & nbsp;The trilogy born of the earth.


The dead who walk fans are not really thrilled that another cast member leaves season 10 after losing Andrew "Rick" Lincoln last year alone, the head of the series. And now, it's losing your partner, Michonneas actress Danai Gurira confirmed that season 10 will be his last on the series.

Gurira is the third member of the oldest cast in the series. It has been around for six years. He is shorter than Norman Reedus (Daryl) and Melissa McBride (Carol). It's not a huge shock after seeing his profile explode after roles in Black Panther and Avengers like Okoye that she was probably going to move on to bigger and better things. And now, we know exactly what it is, something a little unexpected.

THR reports that Danai Gurira is currently show a new series for HBO Max, WarnerMedia's next streaming service, which combines HBO content with other offers it has. The show is Americanah, based on the best-selling Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and tells the story of a woman who left Nigeria for America.

This woman will be played by none other than Gurira Black Panther co-star, Oscar Winner Lupita Nyong'o. Here is Gurira on the collaboration:

"By AmericanahChimamanda has introduced the African female voice into the consciousness of the people in an unprecedented way, "said Gurira," She makes unmistakable, familiar, universal and yet clearly specific voices, and I am honored to bring her incredible novel to life. " I am delighted to collaborate again with Lupita, who gives her an astonishing ability as an interpreter and producer This project is accompanied by the unbridled enthusiasm of HBO Max who proposed this innovative story to viewers. "

A lot Walking Dead Fans probably do not know that in his free time Danai Gurira is actually a playwright named by Tony. It was for Eclipse, a Broadway play she wrote about the Liberian Civil War. Thus, the jump of the one who became the presenter of this new project does not seem as different as it may seem at first, even if most people know it for killing zombies The dead who walk or repel the aliens in Avengers.

It seems possible that Michonne is out of the series in a way that does not necessarily kill her but allows her to meet with Rick Grimes in his trilogy of films that explain his disappearance at the hands of the mysterious helicopter. people. Many assume that she will be removed because this is the only way for her to leave the show while her children, Judith and RJ, stay at home in a way that makes sense. Some predict that, paradoxically, Negan could become Judith's main parental figure here soon enough.

Anyway, I'm happy to see Gurira win such a match, and I can not wait to see what she's doing with Americanah. And I'm just saying …Fear the undead could really use a new showrunner, so if she ever wants to come return at The dead who walk

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new sci-fi crime novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


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