NVIDIA May Attract Next-Generation Graphics Processor, 7 nm, at GTC 2019


So, something interesting: Anthony Garreffa, of Tweak Town, reports that NVIDIA could upset its GPU "Ampere" at GTC 2019 – which is happening next week. Ampere and Turing have confused the preparations for the launch of Turing and RTX, but to enlighten our readers, Ampere (at least now) is the code word for NVIDIA 7nm GPUs. Considering that AMD has already launched the Vega 7nm, GTC would be the perfect time for the company to also unveil its 7nm GPU.

TT: NVIDIA may confuse GPU Ampere at GTC 2019

In recent years, NVIDIA has kept the upper hand on Radeon in terms of GPU technology involved and although NV uses a decoupled process methodology, you can not do everything on a given node without reduction. The fact that AMD beat them up to conquer the first 7nm professional graphics processor became a boon if NVIDIA could match that feat before one or the other companies only start shipping them in volume.

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GTC 2019 – an NVIDIA show to literally showcase its technological feats, is without a doubt the best place to unveil their 7Nm technology. That NVIDIA moves code names as if no one was doing it – would be an understatement. Ampere (at the time of writing) is the code name for their 7nm graphics processor project. So, although it's a rumor and this tag has been identified as such, I would be honestly surprised to learn that NVIDIA has not talked about technology 7. nm at the GTC 2019 conference of his prime minister. demo.

At the latest news, AMD is preparing to unveil its Navi GPU (7 nm) later this year and, if so, NVIDIA will have to catch up. The 7 nm process brings the usual energy efficiency upgrades (which these companies do not use and do not trade for higher clocks) and if the 16 nm FF trend continues, we may be seeing very high clock rates in the demo. That's all, of course, empty speculations, I have absolutely no idea what NVIDIA has in store with a Ampere demo.

What I do know, however, is that 7nm yields are improving fast and reliable sources of volume ramp leaks in pureplay smelters have been reported in March – with a confirmed list of customers including NVIDIA. That's why I think the GPU 7nm leak season is officially open. NVIDIA has experienced one of its worst quarters in 2019 and will undeniably seek a direct victory, which could help restore investor confidence in NVIDIA.

Do you think NVIDIA will talk about Ampere at GTC?


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