NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super Critical


What makes them special?

As we explained in the announcement, the RTX Super cards are essentially versions of the existing NVIDIA range. They take the place of the "Ti" cards faster than we usually see the company (although, quite confusing, the 2080 Ti still remains as the king of RTX hill). They are not meant to be improvements for people who jumped on the cards last year – instead, they look more like a reward for those who have waited.

NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "data-caption =" NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "data-credit =" Engadget "data-credit-link-back =" "data-dam-provider =" Engadget "data-local -id = "local-1-7329775-1562939491728" data-media-id = "2d1bc83e-6ffd-42db-af80-daebc73ca6bb" data-original-url = "https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr- upload-images / 2019-07 / 44ed0d60-a417-11e9-a6df-542a0bcb2789 "data-title =" NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "src =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?crop= 1599% 2C1046% 2C0% 2C0 & quality = 85 & format = jpg & resize = 1600% 2C1046 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fs.yimg.com% 2Fos% 2Fcreatr-images-downloaded% 2F2019-07% 2F44ed0d60- a415 a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = 8c4319de458566386dce81a447f7a0eb1c26bf07 "/></p>
<p>The $ 399 RTX 2060 Super at $ 399 is more consistent with the previous RTX 2070, instead of the regular 2060. It now has 8 GB of RAM, 256 additional CUDA cores (2,176), and a satisfactory acceleration from base speed to 1470 MHz. , instead of 1.365 MHz. NVIDIA says the Super 2060 is about 15% faster than the 2060 and is almost the same level as the original 2070. This is a convincing performance for this price, especially if you are not bothered by overclocking to gain a little more speed. You will find three DisplayPort connections, one HDMI port and USB-C "VirtualLink" (one cable for connecting future VR headsets) to both boards.</p>
<table border= RTX 2060 Super RTX 2070 Super CUDA Cores 2,176 2,560 Basic clock 1 470 MHz 1.605 MHz Boost Clock 1,650 MHz 1,770 MHz FLOPS Tensor 57.4 TFLOPS 72 TFLOPS Memory 8GB 8GB TDP (power) 175W 215W

If you spend $ 100 more, you'll get the RTX 2070 Super even faster. It replaces the original model and you can view it as a slightly slower version of the RTX 2080. The Super 2070 receives 256 additional CUDA cores, 16 additional texture units, and faster clock speeds (basic 1 605 MHz and amplification of 1 770 MHz). All this hardware makes it faster than the GTX 1080 Ti, the cream of the latest NVIDIA generation.

Both cards also get better ray tracing performance, although we do not know how NVIDIA will measure them. The Super 2060 offers 6 Giga Ray (term used by NVIDIA to count ray tracing speeds) instead of five. The Super 2070, meanwhile, receives 7 Giga spokes. In actual use conditions, these numbers mean that they will both be able to handle things such as realistic reflections, shadows and lighting, essential features of the tracing technology. real-time RTX rays from NVIDIA, without sacrificing much of the frame rate.

NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "data-caption =" NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "data-credit =" Engadget "data-credit-link-back =" "data-dam-provider =" Engadget "data-local -id = "local-2-3828818-1562909750565" data-media-id = "ebd49dfe-7e9b-4a6f-bb17-e472470bb330" data-original-url = "https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr- upload-images / 2019-07 / 451296c0-a417-11e9-a5de-47c7334377df "data-title =" NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "src =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?crop= 1600% 2C1020% 2C0% 2C0 & quality = 85 & format = jpg & resize = 1600% 2C1020 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fs.yimg.com% 2Fos% 2Fcreatr-images-downloaded% 2F2019-07% 2F451296c0- a4de-355 a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = b041c903149c7f2e8a81f94e967eb26a4579047e "/></p>
<p>When RTX cards were launched for the first time, NVIDIA was criticized for not having enough developers to board the spoke train. But now that we have upcoming titles like <em>Cyberpunk</em>, <em>Call of Duty: Modern war</em>, and <em>Watchdogs: Legion</em>you will actually have a reason to invest in ray tracing. The few games that support the feature now, like <em>Battlefield V</em>only rely on it for simple things, like making sure the sun is realistically reflected on your firearms.</p>
<p>But in the future, some developers rely heavily on all ray tracing offers – Remedy shows for years the potential of technology. <em>Control</em>. Sony and Microsoft have confirmed that ray tracing will be featured in their next-generation consoles (which will be powered by AMD hardware). It is therefore logical that game makers are finally starting to take it seriously.</p>
<h3>How do they work?</h3>
<table border= 3DMark Timespy / Timespy Extreme Hitman 2 Destiny 2 Witcher 3 Port Royal (ray tracing) RTX 2070 Super 9,706 / 4,474 95 FPS 120-140 FPS 90-105 FPS 5.845 / 27FPS Radeon 5700 XT 8,506/3,871 92 FPS 85-105 FPS 85-90 FPS N / A RTX 2060 Super 8,574 / 4,015 83 FPS 93-110 FPS 86-90 FPS 4,974 / 23FPS Radeon 5700 5.510 / 2.545 79 FPS 75-90 FPS 75-80 FPS N / A RTX 2080 Ti 12,379/5,761 108 FPS 120-145 130-150 FPS 8601 / 40FPS

As we saw when reviewing AMD's new Radeon cards, the NVIDIA hardware is no surprise fast. The RTX 2060 Super at $ 399 is pretty much tied with the Radeon RX 5700 XT. In some cases, like 3DMark, it's much better, but the NVIDIA graphics processor is still lagging behind in games like Hitman 2. This is the kind of space that driver updates and game optimization can easily erase, so I would not worry too much.

The benchmarks are as follows: The RTX 2060 Super and the RX 5700 XT are solid $ 399 GPUs, offering the kind of performance you expect from high-end cards just a few years ago. You can not really go wrong with either option – but of course you'll only get ray tracing with the RTX 2060. The importance of this function depends entirely on you and the measurement in which you want to protect your future. video card. At the very least, both cards offer decent ray tracing performance. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the 2060 Super reached 51 fps with 1440 bps ultra-radius tracing, while the 2070 Super reached 57 fps. In my eyes, the slight FPS hit by activating this feature is worth it for more realistic shadows and lighting.

NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "data-caption =" NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "data-credit =" Engadget "data-credit-link-back =" "data-dam-provider =" Engadget "data-local -id = "local-3-1390788-1562909768022" data-media-id = "dd768876-067d-42cf-a07f-f1b85708321f" data-original-url = "https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr- upload-images / 2019-07 / 4544ca50-a417-11e9-abfe-ef574279cecc "data-title =" NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "src =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?crop= 1600% 2C1067% 2C0% 2C0 & quality = 85 & format = jpg & resize = 1600% 2C1067 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fs.yimg.com% 2Fos% 2Fcreatr-images-downloaded% 2F2019-07% 2F4544ca50- a415-12. a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = 809af94a125fce9d10095b500f2f721208648baa "/></p>
<p>At $ 499, the RTX 2070 Super is a better bet for fans. It offers even faster frame rates at 1440p, which will give you a smoother game on high refresh rate monitors (especially if they also support G-SYNC). In some cases, such as <em>The witcher 3</em>you'll even have 4K speeds close to 60FPS. In all honesty, the purpose of a map like this is to run 1440 points as fast as possible, with all the graphical elements and maximized whistles.</p>
<p>The NVIDIA Dual Fan Coolers on both GPUs managed the heat much better than the AMD single fan design. During the tests and the game, they reached 82 celsius. Radeon cards, meanwhile, have regularly heated to 90 ° C under load. Although AMD probably gets the help of third-party designs, these numbers are not great if you're concerned about long-term stability and overclocking.</p>
<p>NVIDIA and AMD should also consider $ 349 GPUs – the standard RTX 2060 and the Radeon RX 5700 – which are performing well. I did not evaluate the 2060, but when I reviewed the RX 5700, I was impressed by the ease with which it exceeded 60 FPS in 1440p. Although these cards save you money, they can limit you if you try to take advantage of the 120Hz and 144Hz monitors.</p>
<h3>So, what am I buying?</h3>
<p><img alt=

As usual, your budget is the main consideration here. Most players would be better off with the RTX 2060 Super at $ 399 and the Radeon RX 5700 XT. They will give you a little more power to handle challenging next generation games like Cyberpunk. If you dream of something as powerful as the RTX 2080, then the RTX 2070 Super at $ 499 will get you closer. And if ray tracing intrigues you, your only choice is to choose one of the NVIDIA cards.


NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "data-caption =" NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super and 2070 Super "data-credit =" Engadget "data-mep =" 3040514 "src =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/ dims? crop = 1600% 2C1067% 2C0% 2C0 & quality = 85 & format = jpg & resize = 1600% 2C1067 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fs.yimg.com% 2Fos% 2Fcreatr-images uploaded% 2F2019-07% 2F45447c30 -a417-11e9- bfa5-af6af3af8406 & customer = a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = 72cda65eabcee5face6ea3036a271ca7894eb4b5 "/></p>
<p>The NVIDIA "Super" GPUs are pretty straightforward: they are just faster versions of the previous cards. But the name also has a hint of desperation, now that AMD is about to get caught for a new Radeon architecture. All these corporate dramas mean one thing: Consumers finally have a good selection of mid-range GPUs to choose from.</p>
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