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Lothar Wieler, director of the Robert Koch Institute, addresses a press conference on the coronavirus situation in Germany, in Berlin, on November 12.
Lothar Wieler, director of the Robert Koch Institute, addresses a press conference on the coronavirus situation in Germany, in Berlin, on November 12. Markus Schreiber / Pool / AFP / Getty Images

Germany’s Covid-19 infection rate “flattens out” and gives reason to be “cautiously optimistic”, according to the director of the Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases (RKI).

The curve is flattening and it shows that we are not helpless in the face of the virus, ”Lothar Wieler said during a virtual press briefing on Thursday.

“But we don’t know yet if this is a stable development,” he added.

Wieler said it was not clear whether the slower spread of the coronavirus could be attributed to new Covid-19 restrictions introduced earlier this month or whether the drop was due to limited laboratory capacity.

He warned that the overall number of infections remains “very high” and increasing across Germany, and that he expects hospitals to reach their capacity.

He also said that it is “very likely” that the RKI underreporting Covid-19 patients treated in hospitals.

On Thursday, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country increased by 21 866 – the second highest daily record since the start of the epidemic – at 727,553, according to RKI.

The death toll rose from 215 to 11 982, reported the institute.

Germany recorded its highest number of infections per day with more than 23,300 on November 7.

Wieler said the country is currently experiencing a very high number of Covid-19 infections among people aged 10 to 19.

“The number of infections can be reduced if we pull ourselves together,” he said, adding that measures such as social distancing and wearing a face mask can help stop the spread of the virus.

Germany has reimposed lockdown measures to try to slow the rate of Covid-19 infection. The country has limited bars, restaurants and cafes for take-out and delivery services, and the number of people who can congregate in public or private places.


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