NYPD and New York sheriffs will not enforce Thanksgiving rally order


The New York City Police Department and the New York City Sheriff’s Office do not expect to enforce Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s executive order reducing the number of Thanksgiving guests at private celebrations due to the coronavirus .

Earlier this month, Cuomo, a Democrat, announced that he would limit indoor and outdoor gatherings in private residences to a maximum of 10 people and impose a 10 p.m. ET curfew on bars, restaurants and gyms or fitness centers.


Schools have also closed as the COVID-19 infection rate continues to climb, and the Big Apple has announced it will open its first field hospital since spring. On Tuesday, the ratio of New York residents who tested positive for COVID-19 reached a seven-day average of 3.17%, down from 3.06% on Monday.

New York Sheriff Joe Fucito announced Tuesday that the city will soon have vehicle checkpoints at bridges and level crossings to enforce quarantine requirements for travel.

Officers from the New York Police Department hold their position as parade participants walk around them during Macy's Thanksgiving Parade in New York on Thursday, November 23, 2017. This year's procession has been redesigned due to the coronavirus pandemic.  (AP Photo / Craig Ruttle)

New York Police Department officers hold their position as parade participants walk around them during Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in New York City on Thursday, November 23, 2017. This year’s procession has been redesigned due to the coronavirus pandemic. (AP Photo / Craig Ruttle)
(AP Photo / Craig Ruttle)

Additionally, advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that the safest way to hold a Thanksgiving celebration is to limit it to members of a household.

Still, just hours before the order went into effect, authorities decided the vacation was a family affair and would be best served by turning their attention elsewhere – even if they received complaints.

Many upstate New York sheriffs argue they don’t have the resources to do as they’re told, promising not to interfere with the “grand tradition.”

Some have even gone so far as to call it “unconstitutional”, and Saratoga County Sheriff Michael Zurlo wrote in a press release that he could not see how to devote “resources to counting cars in cars. aisles of citizens or to investigate the amount of turkey and to dress them up my purchase is for the public good. “

Last week Cuomo responded, telling reporters he didn’t want law enforcement officers who only enforce laws they think “are good laws.”

Speaking on Monday, Cuomo added that those who choose not to enforce the law are violating their constitutional obligations.

In a response letter to Cuomo, the New York State Sheriff’s Association called the governor’s comments “ironic” and “dishonest.”

They said he previously told state police they did not have to enforce the order and NYPD commissioner Dermot Shea urged residents to “be smart” in an interview with NY1 last week.

“We encourage everyone to use common sense here and get New York City through this,” he pleaded.

On Tuesday, the governor asserted that the law is the law. “Are you a politician or do you apply the law? You have to choose because it becomes dangerous when law enforcement says, ‘I will only enforce the laws that I agree with'”, a- he added. “This is not normal Thanksgiving. … Nothing is normal because it is not normal.”


Ironically, Cuomo himself was widely criticized this week for planning to have dinner with his 89-year-old mother and two young daughters on Thanksgiving. He has since canceled those plans, telling reporters it was difficult for him to do so.


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