NYT Opinion removes weird tweets about Brett Kavanaugh's story


In a bizarre series of tweets and retractions on Saturday, the New York Times cringed on his latest Brett Kavanaugh story, then retracted the tweet, retracted the retraction, and then apologized.

The missteps began at 5:13 pm, when a reckless tweet posted on @nytopinion said: "Having a penis depressed in the face during an intoxicated night can seem like a safe amusement …"

The flaw was an apparent comment from the newspaper's latest article on the new Supreme Court judge, who revisits the accusations of fellow Yalie Deborah Ramirez, who said that a Kavenaugh without pants had assaulted her at the time. A party in the first year.

Two minutes after this first tweet, at 5:16 pm, a retraction was posted: "We removed a previous tweet from this poorly written article."

Shortly after, this retraction also disappeared.

Finally, at 11 pm, the newspaper apologized and stopped there.

"We removed a previous tweet about this article," read the latest tweet. "It was offensive, and we apologize for it."

However, the Internet has always existed and the images of the first incriminated tweet and its retraction attracted fire until Sunday morning.


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