Obama, Clinton and Bush pledge to broadcast Covid vaccine on television to show its safety | Barack obama


Former US Presidents Barack Obama, George W Bush, and Bill Clinton have pledged to get the coronavirus vaccine on television to promote vaccine safety.

The trio’s effort comes as the Food and Drug Administration prepares to meet next week to decide whether or not to authorize a Covid-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech.

More than 3,100 people died from the coronavirus in America on Wednesday, a record high in one day and more than the number killed in the September 11 terrorist attacks.

The willingness of Obama, Bush and Clinton to tackle the severity of the pandemic is markedly different from the attitude of Donald Trump, who has remained silent as the United States passed 250,000 coronavirus deaths in November.

In an interview with Joe Madison, the host of SiriusXM, Obama said he would trust Anthony Fauci if the infectious disease expert said a coronavirus vaccine was safe.

“People like Anthony Fauci, whom I know, and with whom I have worked, I have complete confidence,” Obama said. “So if Anthony Fauci tells me that this vaccine is safe and that he can immunize you, you know, immunize you against Covid, absolutely, I’ll take it.

Many Americans say they will not agree to be vaccinated against Covid-19. A Gallup poll, released in mid-November, showed that 42% of the country would not take the vaccine even if it was “available now at no cost.”

Obama has said he will take the vaccine once it becomes available to people “who are less at risk.” The 44th president is 59 years old and is not known to suffer from serious health problems.

“I can end up watching it on TV or having it filmed, just so people know I trust this science, and what I don’t trust is getting Covid,” a- he added.

Bush chief of staff Freddy Ford told CNN that the former president was also ready to receive the vaccine on camera.

“A few weeks ago, President Bush asked me to let Dr Fauci and Dr Birx know that when the time comes he wants to do what he can to encourage his fellow citizens to get vaccinated,” said Ford to CNN.

“First, vaccines must be deemed safe and given to priority populations. Then President Bush will line up for his, and will gladly do so in front of the camera.

Clinton’s press secretary told CNN he too was ready to be filmed while getting the shot.

“President Clinton will certainly take a vaccine as soon as it becomes available, based on the priorities determined by public health officials,” said Angel Urena. “And it will do it in a public setting if it helps inspire all Americans to do the same.”

The three presidents, along with Jimmy Carter and George H Bush, who passed away in 2018, have previously partnered to raise funds for Hurricane Harvey and Irma relief efforts.


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