Obama Tells Trump He Can’t Remember His Biggest Mistake, Book Says


inauguration of Trump Obama

President Barack Obama, right, and President Donald Trump, left, arrive for the latter’s inauguration on January 20, 2017. J. Scott Applewhite / Pool / AP / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images

  • Trump allegedly asked Obama to reveal his biggest mistake, according to a new book.

  • In January 2017, Trump and Obama got into a car together on their way to the presidential nomination.

  • Obama reportedly paused and looked at Trump before saying he didn’t remember such a mistake.

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For years, former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump have been political adversaries, which was never more evident than in the 2016 presidential election.

Obama felt that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate that year, was extremely qualified to be Commander-in-Chief through a career in the public service as a United States Senator from New York as well. than his job as a senior United States official. Diplomat.

However, after Clinton lost the presidential election to Trump, Obama had to start planning for the sequel.

On January 20, 2017, as Trump was due to be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States, Obama rode in a presidential limousine with him and Republican Senator Roy Blunt from Missouri from the White House to Capitol Hill.

Along the way, Trump asked Obama if he could name his biggest mistake, according to a new book by Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

The book, “Peril” – a first copy of which was obtained by Insider – details an interaction between the two men that could have ended in a long conversation but which simply fell flat.

In the car, Trump turned to Obama and asked him a question: “What was your biggest mistake? the president-elect reportedly asked his Democratic counterpart.

Woodward and Costa reported that Obama stopped and looked at Trump. “I don’t see anything,” said the outgoing president.

Trump then sought to change the subject, inquiring about the vehicle. “Is this the car you use all the time? He asked Obama.

In “Peril,” Woodward and Costa describe how Trump came full circle from that point on with Obama.

With Joe Biden scheduled to assume the presidency on inauguration day in January 2021, Trump chose not to attend the ceremony and instead left the White House early with then-first lady Melania Trump taking a helicopter for Joint Base Andrews in Maryland before flying to Florida on its last trip on Air Force One.

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