Obsidian Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny RPGs are next week’s free Epic Store games • Eurogamer.net


There’s a double whammy of obsidian-entertainment RPG giveaways coming to the Epic Games Store next week, so if you can’t wait to dip your adventure mitts into Pillars of Eternity or Tyranny, now you know where. run your internet. in the coming days.

They’re both good, of course, with Pillars of Eternity managing to snag a recommended Eurogamer badge when it was released in 2015. It’s a spiritual successor to Baldur’s Gate, purposefully designed to replicate the nostalgic smell of old. school of ’90s RPG – which is exactly what the 73,000 people who invested $ 4 million to support the project on Kickstarter hoped for.

There is world exploration and dungeon exploration to be done in any of the game’s eleven classes – Barbarian, Chanter, Cipher, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Ranger, Rogue, and Wizard – and the end result is an experiment called Eurogamer “an RPG with [its] design firmly anchored in nostalgia, but which absolutely does not count on it to be pleasant today. “

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Pillars of Eternity: Full Edition Trailer.

“Instead,” continued critic Richard Cobbett, “it’s both a great reminder of why these games have worked so well, and a whole new adventure well worth the hours and hours ( and the hours and hours) it takes to discover its secrets and its world “.

As for Tyranny, that also ensured a recommended Eurogamer when it was released the following year. It’s equally nostalgic in the presentation, but starts off with a slightly more characteristic premise, making players most certainly a villain – more specifically, as an umpire of the law in a completely dark world devastated by a bully.

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Tyranny trailer.

Eurogamer called the following adventure “terrifying, captivating and hopelessly sad, where you wade through a sea of ​​death and torment, clinging to any piece of humanity you can”. Critic Rick Lane felt that an excessive focus on combat let the camp go down, but his unwavering dedication as Pillars of Eternity’s “black cousin” ultimately won the day. “Ultimately,” he wrote, “Tyranny has a lot more importance to say, and it will make you listen, whether you like it or not.”

Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny will be available to be added to your Epic Games library for free starting Thursday, December 10, for exactly one week. And above all that, Cave Story +, a Metroidvania-style platformer adventure, is your current weekly giveaway.


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