Ocasio-Cortez Calls GOP Bluff on Invitation to Talk to Kentucky Miners about Green New Deal


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Said she had "jerky" Republicans at a dispute to invite her to meet coal miners in Kentucky.

Representative Andy Barr, R-Ky., Asked him to talk about his "Green New Deal," but after accepting Ocasio-Cortez, she was asked to apologize to the representative, Dan Crenshaw, R- Texas, for an exchange arising from a quarrel over the Rep.'S comments. Ilhan Omar on September 11th.

"GOP thought that they could take us with a bluff. Now we have 'feet on the back': #TooLate, "Ocasio-Cortez said on Twitter on Wednesday in response to a Article from GQ titled "Kentucky Republicans anxious to invite the WCA to meet coal miners could turn against them."

In another tweet, Ocasio-Cortez said that she had recently invited Barr to visit the Bronx, but that he had refused.

Barr sent Friday a letter to Ocasio-Cortez asking him to "apologize" to Crenshaw "before visiting Kentucky."

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Thursday to ask why Crenshaw is "doing nothing" against terrorism. His Crenshaw reprimand comes after criticizing Omar, D-Minn., For describing the 9/11 attacks as "some people" who "did something".

Crenshaw, 34, is a former member of the Navy SEAL who served for 10 years, including in Afghanistan where he was a lieutenant-commander.

Barr launched the invitation last month after Ocasio-Cortez, 29, launched a viral speech defending his controversial proposal titled "Green New Deal". as anti-elite.

"Fortunately, we still have open borders with Kentucky, we do not need MP Barr to meet coal miners and hold a city hall, even if we would like his participation if we do," he said. said Corbin Trent, director of Ocasio-Cortez Communication, Told The Courier Journal Friday.


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