Ocasio-Cortez explains in first reading of the show "Desus & Mero" in "Green New Deal"


US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Defended the Green New Deal after the recent launch of the New York Democrat's policy proposal drew much attention to "farting cows."

At an appearance Thursday night at the premiere of Showtime's "Desus & Mero" show, program hosts asked the new congresswoman why she thought the initial reaction was centered on cow farts ".

"In the agreement, what we're talking about, and it's true, is it necessary to have a look at industrial farming, you know? Period. It's wild, "said Ocasio-Cortez. "And so that does not mean you're getting rid of agriculture, that does not mean we're going to force everybody to become vegan or something crazy like that. But it's to say, "Listen, we have to talk about industrial agriculture. We may not be able to eat a burger for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Like, let's keep it real. "

"Listen, we need to talk about industrial agriculture, maybe we should not eat a hamburger for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for example, let's keep the truth."

– Rep. US Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.


"Slow down," co-host co-facilitator Desus Nice.

Ocasio-Cortez continued, "But we have to look at everything that's going on and we need to understand that climate change is about all the choices we make in our lives, you know?"

Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats who supported the plan had explained why the proposal included the goal of "net zero" greenhouse gases in 10 years.

"We have set our goal of reaching net zero, not zero emissions, in 10 years, because we are not sure we can get rid of farting cows and planes as quickly as possible," he said. the page.

But after the FAQ page was widely mocked, Democratic lawmakers removed it.


The Democratic Socialist also defended his call for a marginal tax rate of 70% on revenues of more than $ 10 million, which is a "good year".

"It really comes down to the question" Is $ 10 million not enough? "Like, when does it stop?" She asked. "How bad is it to build Jeff Bezos a helipad when we have the largest number of homeless people in New York?"

Like Ocasio-Cortez, Desus Nice (aka Daniel Baker) and his partner The Kid Mero (aka Joel Martinez) are from the Bronx, N.Y.


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