Ocasio-Cortez "happy" to visit Kentucky coal mine after GOP representative suggested he "go underground"


On the same day, his radical New Deal Green proposal was rejected by the Senate – virtually all Democrats voted "present" – New York Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she would be "happy" "to accept the offer of a Republican congressman" go underground "and visit a Kentucky coal mine.

The Ocasio-Cortez comments come in just days after confessing in an interview with the New York Post that she was only taking "minor steps" to be more available to her own constituents in person, and urged interested parties to follow her on Twitter in the meantime. .

At a meeting of the House Committee on Financial Services on Tuesday in Washington, Geopolitics Party representative Andy Barr suggested that Ocasio-Cortez travel to his state and meet with miners in person. of coal and learn how the Green New Deal would affect them. Ocasio-Cortez replied that she "would be happy" to oblige, according to several accounts of the episode.

Barr said his office sent an official invitation by e-mail Wednesday to the Ocasio-Cortez chief of staff.

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Barr has defended the coal industry, while Green New Deal, signing of Ocasio-Cortez, calls for virtual elimination by 2030 of the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for the Global warming. Republicans protested the proposal, saying it would devastate the economy and lead to massive tax increases.

Disconcerting cost estimates have indicated that the proposal would cost up to $ 93 trillion, more than the US government has spent on any program in its history.

The failed launch of the Green New Deal in February included the release of an official document from the Ocasio-Cortez office that promised economic security even for people "reluctant to work", as well as the elimination "farting cows" and air travel.

A worker drives a car on a guided tour of the Portal 31 coal mine, which has been turned into a tourist attraction in Lynch, Kentucky. (AP Photo / David Goldman)

A worker drives a car on a guided tour of the Portal 31 coal mine, which has been turned into a tourist attraction in Lynch, Kentucky. (AP Photo / David Goldman)

No senator voted to begin the debate on the bill Tuesday, while 57 lawmakers voted against filibuster breakage. Democrats Sens. Doug Jones of Alabama, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona joined 53 Republicans to vote "no". Senator Angus King, I-Maine, who caucuses with Democrats, also voted "no".

The vote was organized by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., In an effort to convince Democratic Senators – including several candidates in the 2020 presidential election – to report on this issue. measured. McConnell called the proposal a "radical, socialist and radical transformation of the entire US economy."

Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah, called the Green New Deal "ridiculous" and displayed images of dinosaurs, cartoon characters and babies on the floor of the Senate. He said that he was treating the plan "with the seriousness it deserves".

Ocasio-Cortez, who warned that the world could be destroyed in 12 years because of climate change, unless immediate action is taken, then said that she had asked senators to vote "present" for his own resolution.


For its part, the White House has said it does not take Ocasio-Cortez, or its confidence, in the UN forecasts, particularly seriously. In 1989, the United Nations warned that the world had only 10 years to avert a catastrophic climate change. Again in 2006, a NASA scientist and a leading researcher on global warming said that the world had only 10 years to avert a climate disaster.

Both deadlines are passed.

Samuel Chamberlain of Fox News and the Associated Press contributed to this report.


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