Oculus Quest Developers Consider Stand-Alone RV as Sales Advantage Despite Curation Frustration


We've heard of a growing number of virtual reality developers who have managed to move from Facebook's rigorous approval process to standalone Oculus Quest headphones and have found that many buyers are waiting to buy their content on the other side. .

Although we still do not have enough reports to define the specific size of the Quest market, we hear enough success from different sources to indicate that, at least for some developers, Oculus Quest is already performing better than life. Some other platforms just four months after its release in May and before what may be a big push this holiday season.

Red Matter and Superhot

Previously, Red Matter's developers had said, "We surpassed Red Matter's absolute sales on Rift in just days on Oculus Quest" and Superhot, which stated that sales had increased by 300% higher VR system in-one "a decisive moment for the industry and sales figures suggest that players believe it too."

We have also contacted the developers behind the popular games Job Simulator, Beat Saber and Space Pirate Trainer, as well as the Virtual Desktop and SculptrVR applications, and these developers are also reporting excellent reception on Oculus Quest. We also contacted more developers, but some declined to comment.

Job simulator

"Job Simulator has been a launch title for several platforms since its initial launch in 2016, and we've seen consistent success with every release across all platforms," ​​said Devin Reimer, Google Owlchemy Lab Lead. .

Beat Saber

Prague-based Beat Saber-based Beat Games said the sales of Quest "exceeded our expectations."

Hacker Trainer Space

I-Illusions is the development studio behind the decisive wave launcher of the first generation of VR – Space Pirate Trainer. The game was released in April 2016 on Valve's Steam for the HTC Vive and again for Oculus Touch on Oculus Store in December of the same year. The game was also released in May this year on Oculus Quest.

Space Pirate Trainer sold approximately double Quest during the first week of sales, compared separately to each of these previous launches. After a month, it was selling about as much as Quest or Steam. Interestingly, if you compare sales of the first month of Space Pirate Trainer on Quest to the same period on the Oculus Store after the launch of Touch for Rift in December 2016, Quest sales have always doubled. According to the studio, "if we look at Quest's current stats, they're doing a lot better than Touch, far more than double."


The developers of SculptrVR and Virtual Desktop also shared their business performance. On Rift, SculptrVR competed with Oculus Medium Medium sculpture application, which is often provided free of charge with the purchase of a helmet. Although SculptrVR was released for the first time on Steam in 2016 and has since appeared on virtually all major virtual reality platforms, Medium is not available on Quest or Minecraft. After a week on Quest, SculptrVR "has already surpassed sales of Rift, Daydream and Gear / Go."

"It has not yet reached 50% of my SteamVR sales and represents about 1/6 of my lifetime sales on PSVR," wrote Nathan Rowe, lead creator of SculpVVR, in a message. "Given that Quest is a growing young platform, I think the sales queue will be much longer than PS4, so it will likely become my best-selling platform at the same time of the year. next."

Virtual Office

We also heard from Guy Godin – the developer of the extremely useful Virtual Desktop utility application. For those who are not familiar, Virtual Desktop simulates the desktop interface of a PC inside a headset, so you can do everything you can with your computer sitting in VR. In June, Facebook forced the developer to remove a key feature of the version of the app available for purchase via the Facebook Oculus Store. The feature essentially linked Quest to Valve's SteamVR platform and allowed players to enjoy their PC-based virtual reality games inside the standalone VR headset. The system, however, introduces a certain latency that could lead to problems of comfort. Godin has acceded to Facebook's removal request, he said, but he has transferred what is essentially a fix for the application to a store called SideQuest. More and more developers are discovering SideQuest for a variety of reasons, the most stringent of which is Facebook's rigorous approval policy.

In these conditions, how did Virtual Desktop sell its first weeks with Quest compared to previous launches?

Quest's sales were "slightly lower than the PC when Rift / Vive was launched," Godin wrote in a message. "Their decision to force me to remove the VR streaming feature is painful because it's very popular (about 30% of my users have the side-loading version). Side loading makes the process more complicated for users and I need to do a lot more help / support. "


This month, Facebook will host its Oculus Connect 6 developer conference. Last year, at the event, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had promised Quest to deliver "Rift Quality Experiences" ", A comment arousing some skepticism on the part of the public. Quest-approved developers have undergone tough and expensive rebuilding processes to prepare their work for the Android system. In some cases, the resulting ports are even better on Quest with the freedom of wireless. We still hope that Facebook will address the comment to OC6 or offer developers a way to benefit more from the graphics power of a PC.

This story originally appeared on Uploadvr.com. Copyright 2019


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