Official: Kidnapper Jayme Closs refuses to cooperate with conviction


According to the authorities, a Wisconsin man who pleaded guilty to kidnapping Jayme Closs, 13, and killing his parents, refuses to cooperate with his investigation.

The Green Bay Press newspaper reports that a probation and parole officer on Monday filed a one-paragraph letter telling a Barron County Court judge that Jake Patterson had told his lawyer not to not cooperate.

The letter from the agent Jennifer Sem indicated that she was planning to conduct the investigation to completion "with all the information I could get."

Patterson pleaded guilty last month to the crime committed in October at Closs House near Barron, about 145 km northeast of Minneapolis.

The sentence is scheduled for May 24th. Patterson faces life imprisonment for the murders and up to 40 years in prison for the kidnappings.


Information provided by: Press-Gazette Media,


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