Official Secrets: Meeting with the whistleblower who tried to stop the war in Iraq


In the run-up to the Iraq war in 2003, Katharine Gun, a young translator working for British intelligence, discovered a US government plot to spy on the United Nations. The purpose was to reveal information about the remaining delegates to the UN Security Council in order to gain their support for the war. Gun made the decision to disclose this information to the press because she thought the world had the right to know. The law would eventually cost him his job and allow him to be sued by the British government for violating the country's law on official secrets.

The story of Gun, largely forgotten, is the subject of a new film, "Official Secrets", in which she is interpreted by the actress Keira Knightley. In this episode of The Stream, we talk to Katharine Gun, journalist Martin Bright, who reported the leak for the first time, and Gavin Hood, the director of the film.

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