Officials across the United States give updates on COVID-19 after 144,000 new cases reported


Dr Celine Gounder, a member of President-elect Joe Biden’s COVID-19 advisory committee, said people must wear masks and distance themselves to bring the virus under control in the United States. “

And now that we’re more indoors, we need to keep the windows and doors open as much as possible, “she told CBS This Morning on Thursday.” We need to get tested frequently, and if anyone contacts you, a contract tracker is contacting you about potential exposure, please work with them so that we can help you identify where the virus is spreading. “

Gounder, an infectious disease specialist and epidemiologist at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and Bellevue Hospital, noted that wearing a mask has become politicized, adding, “It would be like politicizing the use of toilet paper.”

“This is a very basic public hygiene measure that we need – we all need to take personal responsibility, for ourselves, for our health, for the health of our families, the health of our community.” , she said. “And we have to mask ourselves. This is something we have the power to do now that can make a huge difference in curbing the spread of the disease.”

She also said she doesn’t like the word ‘lockout’, which implies an on / off switch, “when what we’re really talking about is a dimmer or a dial.”

What we need to “tighten up right now” are indoor dining and other things like going to indoor bars and gyms, “she said more eating out and “Put a break on meals indoors”.

Watch her full interview:

Dr Celine Gounder on coronavirus peaks



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