Ohio official Lee Wong shows scars in anti-Asian racism speech


A local Ohio official has gone viral after a powerful speech about anti-Asian American racism in which he exposed scars suffered while serving in the US military.

“For too long I’ve put up with a lot of shit in silence,” Lee Wong, chairman of the board of West Chester Township, Ohio, said in a meeting Tuesday. “Too afraid to speak up, fearing more abuse and discrimination.”

Wong, 69, said he felt loved by his community, but had also witnessed racism against Asian Americans in recent years “getting worse and worse.” His remarks came after a mass shooting killed eight people in Atlanta, including six Asian women, as well as a documented increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans during the pandemic.

Even after serving his country, Wong said he faced discrimination from people who questioned his loyalty because of his race.

“There are boring people who would come to me and tell me that I don’t sound American enough or patriotic enough,” Wong said. “People question my patriotism, that I don’t look American enough. They can’t get over that face.

Wong described an incident several years after arriving in the United States from Borneo at the age of 18, in which he was beaten by a Chicago man who was never punished for the crime.

The traumatic event changed the course of his life, Wong said, adding that he then served 20 years of active service in the US military.

“I’m not afraid, I don’t have to live in fear, [of] intimidation, or insults, “Wong said.” I’ll show you what patriotism looks like, patriotism questions. “

Wong then rose from his chair and took off his shirt to reveal visible scars on his chest, sustained in the performance of his duties.

“Here is my proof,” he said. “Now is this patriot enough? I’m not ashamed to walk around anymore.”

The powerful clip went viral after being shared by an Associated Press reporter who is also a veteran. In response, people thanked Wong for his service and for speaking out against the rise in hatred against Asian Americans.

Wong told the Cincinnati Enquirer that his speech was not planned, but he was inspired to speak after the Atlanta shootings and other anti-Asian violence.

“At that point, I don’t know what got into me. I just knew I had to say something, ”Wong told the Enquirer, also recalling a recent incident at a grocery store in which a father and son made fun of eyes.

Wong told the Enquirer he was grateful for the positive response and support he received after his speech.

“People thank me for my service. People are happy that I spoke,” Wong said. “West Chester is a diverse community and we don’t need that kind of rhetoric.”

Wong’s BuzzFeed News requests for comment were not immediately returned on Sunday.

You can watch Wong’s full remarks around 25 minutes.


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