OKCoin Cryptography Exchange Pledges $ 10 Million to Bitcoin Developers


The San Francisco-based cryptochange center, OKCoin, has pledged 1,000 bitcoins to a vote-based development fund for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV projects.

The initiative called "Let's build Bitcoin together" will leave Cryptography enthusiasts visit the OKCoin platform and "vote for which project they want to receive a donation".

The exchange clarified that for each vote received, "OKCoin will send 0.02 BTC (or the equivalent of BCH or BSV) in the name of the voter to the selected project", up to 1,000 bitcoins ($ 10 million) . At the end of the campaign, the amount collected per project will be divided and distributed equally among the developers and organizations chosen by the community.

Tim Byun, CEO of OKCoin, said in a statement: "There is no doubt that in recent years have been roller coasters for the entire community. So we decided to step up our efforts and give back to the developers who are moving us forward. "

Donation recipients for Bitcoin will all go to the almost universally implemented version of the Bitcoin Core network, which is used by nearly 97 percent 9,496 public nodes running on the Bitcoin network today.

The Bitcoin Core developers listed for donations include Luke Dashjr, Ben Woosley, fanquake (Michael Ford), Sjors Provoost, Jonas Schnelli and Jimmy Song.

For Bitcoin Cash, the fund is divided among the three main node implementations: Bitcoin ABC, BCHD and Bitcoin Unlimited.

Finally, for Craig Wright and Calvin Ayre supported Bitcoin SV, the community will have two choices: the Bitcoin association and CambrianSV, two companies that contribute to the price increase. Neither is likely to fill the pockets of Craig Wright, who has recently suffered from second loss of lawsuit in the last month. Ouch.


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