Olivia Jade Disables Instagram Comments


  • Actress Lori Loughlin has been accused of bribing her daughter Olivia Jade in USC.
  • Olivia has disabled her comments on Instagram and is apparently "sorry, disheartened and feels like it's the end of the world".

    Lori Loughlin's daughter, Olivia Jade, is facing significant backlash following the university cheating scandal, and it seems she has disabled comments on her latest posts on Instagram. Which, uh, is a big problem considering that she is an influential professional and that part of the job description is an interaction with her fans.

    The only comments disabled by Olivia on her last three posts, but she is still dragged elsewhere in her thread – and the comments are hard.



    Recall that Olivia 's famous parents allegedly "agreed to pay bribes in the total amount of $ 500,000 in exchange for the designation of their two daughters as recruits in the US. USC team, while they did not participate in the crew, thus facilitating their admission to the USC ".

    She and her sister Isabella reportedly withdrew from the USC because they feared to be "brutally bullied" (considering these comments … honest), and Olivia in particular "is a desperate mess that gives the impression of being at the end of the world."

    Follow Mehera on Instagram.


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