Olivia Rodrigo announces White House visit in the most discreet way possible


Olivia Rodrigo apparently does not need a “driver’s license” to get to her destination on Wednesday.

The popular singer will travel to the White House to raise awareness for immunization with President Joe Biden and Dr.Anthony Fauci.

Rodrigo will “record videos about the importance of young people getting vaccinated,” including answering questions young people might have about the process, according to Forbes.

Rodrigo’s visit aims to increase the percentage of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 who have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

According to a Centers for Disease Control report released last month, 38% of teens received a dose, compared to 57% of all adults.

But while the visit will certainly be high profile, Rodrigo announced it in the most low-key way possible: in the comments of an Instagram post on Biden’s account.

Olivia Rodrigo announced a visit to the White House in the comments of the POTUS Instragram page.

Instagram / Drink

Olivia Rodrigo announced a visit to the White House in the comments of the POTUS Instragram page.

Although many Twitter users seemed excited about the visit, one person saw the writing on the wall and issued the warning, riffing the title of Rodrigo’s album:

Some Twitter users were forced to post articles referring to Rodrigo’s songs.

Others pointed out that something even funnier was happening …

One person felt that Rodrigo could be useful in implementing other White House priorities.


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