Omar thanks Fox News for Jeanine Pirro's reprimand


Ilhan Omar

"Thanks, @ FoxNews. No one should question anyone's commitment to our constitution because of their faith or their country of birth, "said representative Ilhan Omar on Twitter. | Puce Somodevilla / Getty Images

Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Min.), One of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, thanked Fox News on Monday for his reprehensible remarks by the host, Jeanine Pirro, suggesting that the Legislator's decision to wear the hijab was in opposition to the United States Constitution.

"Thanks, @ FoxNews. No one should question anyone's commitment to our constitution because of his faith or country of birth, "Omar wrote on Twitter, pointing to an article on the Conservative network's statement.

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Pirro on Saturday questioned Omar's support for the constitution because of his Islamic religion and wearing the hijab.

"She does not get this doctrine of anti-Israel sentiment from the Democratic Party. So, if it's not rooted in the party, where does it come from? Pirro said during his "Justice" show on Saturday. Omar is wearing a hijab which, according to Koran 33:59, asks women to cover themselves so as not to be molested.

"Is his adherence to this Islamic doctrine revealing his adherence to Sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the US Constitution?"

Omar, born in Somalia, also retweeted Jonah Pesner, director of the Reformed Judaism's Religious Action Center and first vice president of the Union for Reform Judaism.

"The hijab, like the kippah that I wear, is a symbol of faith protected by the Constitution," tweeted Pesner. "Freedom of religion is a source of strength for our country."

Pirro's comments come after the House of Representatives passed last week a resolution condemning "anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of sectarianism."

Omar found himself at the center of the controversy because of his comments on Israel. Lawmakers on both sides of the alley condemned Omar for his comments, with some saying they were anti-Semitic.

However, Omar has found himself the target of Islamophobic comments as a result of his comments on Israel.


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