On ‘SNL’ Dr Fauci hosts ‘So you think you can get the vaccine’


How do you get a week of political scandals and pandemic news all in one comedy sketch? And how do you know if you are eligible for a Covid vaccine and, if so, where to get one? “Saturday Night Live” attempted to answer some if not all of these questions with an opening segment on a fictional game show called “So You Think You Can Get The Vaccine,” hosted by Dr. Anthony S. Fauci.

This weekend’s show, which featured Nick Jonas as both host and musical guest, began with Kate McKinnon playing Fauci, describing herself as “America’s voice of reason and the passage of the celebrity hall for some reason ”.

She said the show would “give ordinary Americans a chance to compete for vaccine eligibility,” adding, “Getting the vaccine shouldn’t be a contest, but Americans will only want to get it if it means that someone else can’t.

She then introduced the panel of three governors who would approve or deny the candidates’ applications, starting with Governor Gavin Newsom of California, who she said was “hated by everyone in California except the 10 people. with which he dined. in Napa this time.

Alex Moffat, playing Newsom, gave a quick status report on his condition: “Teeth – white. Body – tight. Covid – bad enough, ”he says.

Then McKinnon introduced New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, saying he was “currently under fire for being with old dead people and also the kind of sexual harassment allegations that get you to go, yeah , I could see that.

Pete Davidson, playing Cuomo, greeted the audience, saying, “Nice bodies, some of you.” He added, “Remember when your favorite movie was my PowerPoints? Remember, “Today is Tuesday”? Why can’t we come back to this?

Finally, McKinnon greeted Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who she said had “narrowly escaped kidnapping by a group of men whose fingerprints likely had Cheetos dust on them.”

Cecily Strong, playing Whitmer, compared herself to other Governors. “People are yelling at them about their policies, and they’re yelling at me, ‘Catch her!’ But hey, that’s life, ”she said, drinking a bottle of beer.

Among the candidates assessed by the governors was Heidi Gardner as a woman who said she was a frontline worker because, she said, “I do IT for the OnlyFans website so I am busy ”; Ego Nwodim as a woman in a gray-haired wig, but still using the word “stan” with suspicion; and Bowen Yang as a man half-heartedly pretending to be a New Jersey smoker.

All were declared ineligible, although Melissa Villaseñor, playing a pregnant woman, was told she could receive a Kirkland Signature trial vaccine developed by Costco that came with a free 24-hot dog pack.

Aidy Bryant made a comeback appearance as Senator Ted Cruz, delivering jokes about Cruz’s recent vacation scandal. “It’s great to be back in New York,” she said. “I’m sorry, my arms are tired. Because I just got back from Cancun, Mexico.

Finally, Mikey Day, playing an 85-year-old man, was seen as the first eligible contender for a proper vaccination – provided he could make an appointment online.

Davidson told him, “But if you feel sick, be sure to leave the nursing home and go to the hospital. Wink.”

Closing the sketch, McKinnon said, “Power has been cut to a CVS nearby. The vaccines are all going to expire, so it’s first come, first time. “

Here are a few anecdotes that we have saved for the moment: Before becoming a nationally recognized pop star, Nick Jonas was a child performer on Broadway whose resume included roles like Gavroche in the original “Les Miserables” series.

For its opening monologue, “SNL” put that story to good use, inviting Jonas to pay homage to New York’s musical theater industry, which has been closed for nearly a year. Jonas performed the song “Drink With Me” from “Les Mis,” accompanied by McKinnon, Strong, Kenan Thompson and Beck Bennett, which updated some of the lyrics to the current pandemic moment. Sing now: “Here’s to spending 50 weeks in our beds / here’s to making friends that live your head …”

Another musical segment featured Chloe Fineman, Nwodim, McKinnon, and Villaseñor as women who find themselves in their own homes and decide to indulge in their favorite form of self-care: zoning out in front of the TV while watching murder shows. Paying homage to this abundant documentary, Villaseñor rhymed: “Severed limbs found on a beach in Chula Vista / But I’m just watching while I eat pizza.” Nwodim and Fineman shared a verse: “Dig up bodies and do an autopsy? / Boring – wake me up when it’s Munchausen by proxy. And McKinnon rhymed, “Bodybuilder cut an old lady / I’m watching him while texting my sister for her baby.” Jonas also took part in this number, playing Fineman’s boyfriend, who returns for Inform him that there is something even better than murder shows: cult shows.

At the weekend updates desk, presenters Colin Jost and Michael Che responded to the House vote to pass a $ 1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package.

Jost started:

Just like me when I’m drunk, Congress has decided to spend a lot of money at 2:30 a.m. They passed a $ 1.9 trillion stimulus bill and Republicans are calling it a Liberal wishlist. But I don’t know, I think a liberal wishlist would be: an avocado toast with Chrissy Teigen, a free pet college, and a hip-hop musical about Anderson Cooper with Lin-Manuel Miranda. Senator Lindsey Graham said he was very happy that the bill does not include an increase in the minimum wage. Because over the years, Graham has really grown to love the taste of the fast food spit.

What continued:

Senator John Thune said he opposed the $ 15 minimum wage because he used to get by on six dollars an hour as a young man. But that was 40 years ago when the rent was, like, a dollar and everybody had a porn tape. See this is why Democrats never do anything. You keep letting him vote and accepting no for an answer. When Republicans lose a vote, they storm the Capitol. Why can’t you get so angry? Say whatever you like about a guy with a Viking helmet taking a dump in Nancy Pelosi’s office, but he won’t be ignored.

Strong returned to her role as Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who earlier this month was removed from her committee duties for spreading disinformation and endorsing social media violence, and who was criticized earlier this month. week for hanging a sign in front of his Congress. office that said: “There are TWO genders: MAN AND WOMAN. Trust the science! (Her neighbor’s representative at work, Marie Newman, has a transgender daughter and had placed a transgender pride flag in front of her own desk.)

In her segment, Strong described herself as “the daughter of Congress,” which she explained as a reference to “her, as the evil clown who preyed on children.” Strong revealed that she was wearing a T-shirt with the misspelled “TRUST IN SIENCE” slogan, because, as she put it, “I love science. I’m still talking about science, okay? Unless the science is about climate change, the coronavirus, space lasers, evolution, the metric system, the rhythm method, breastfeeding, life on Mars, the color of Jesus’ skin, or the color of the skin of Santa Claus, moreover, which is white.


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