Once Patriotes Compatriots, Kliff Kingsbury and Matt Patricia meet again


Their teams meet, especially in the first game when Kingsbury was not coach at this level, brings a level of intrigue. Kingsbury is considered an offensive scholar. Patricia, meanwhile, "is one of the brightest football minds," said Kingsbury.

"He's like a nuclear physicist or something like that, right?" Kingsbury added. "He graduated from one of these engineering schools."

Patricia is a graduate of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where she studied aeronautical engineering. He could have done a good job in this area, but instead chose to climb the ladder, spending more than 10 years with the Patriots before becoming the Lions coach last year.

"Just to see where he started, (and) there (with the Patriots), you win your stripes," said Kingsbury. "He has climbed the ladder and helped them to win several championships, and now he's trying to do it himself."

Patricia's skills will be tested to try to anticipate what the Cardinals could do with rookie quarterback Kyler Murray. Cardinals showed little of their real game book in the pre-season; The Lions opposed by studying Kingsbury's coaching background.

Patricia is unlikely to be able to draw anything from her short time with Kingsbury. Fifteen is a long time, especially when Kingsbury was not a coach yet and Patricia was just trying to understand the NFL position.

But Patricia said it was obvious that Kingsbury had digested football well. Maybe the training was inevitable.

"I just think that he really understood the concepts, situational football and that he was able to put his mindset and mentality in those situations and really understand what he's was trying to do, "said Patricia. "A lot as a quarterback, you have to watch the game from different angles of concepts, from game clock management and game clock and everything in between.

"He could really handle all this at a high level, which is pretty unique."


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