One in five American children do not drink water, but drink a lot of sugar


Photo: Jack Taylor (Getty Images)

That children (and adults) in America love their sugary drinks is not a secret. But a new study published on Monday suggests that soft drinks and sports drinks completely replace water for some children. It has been found that one in five children do not drink water at all and that these children end up having more calories from sugary drinks than children who drink water.

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University reviewed nationally representative survey data of more than 8,000 children in different age groups (2-5, 6-11, and 12-19). . It appears that about one fifth of the children reported not having drunk water the previous day. These children consume on average 93 more calories per day from sugary drinks than those who claim to drink water, about twice as many calories from these drinks.

Studies have consistently shown that replacing sodas with water could help people reduce their daily caloric intake, while others suggested that it would be easier for kids to drink. have fresh and refreshing water at school to lose weight. But, according to the authors, they are one of the few to examine the link between children's daily water intake and their drinking habits.

Of course, these types of studies can not definitively prove that drinking less water causes children to drink more soda, or vice versa. But this is just the latest study to show a clear link between sugary drinks and taking more calories a day. And although 100 extra calories a day may seem minimal, it can mean a pound of weight gained each month. Sugary drinks also increase the risk of cavities and type 2 diabetes.

"Our study shows that American children and young adults should drink water every day to avoid excess calories and sugar," wrote JAMA Pediatrics authors.

On the plus side, Americans generally drank less soda over time. But more than two in three Americans are still overweight or obese, and the rate of both groups continues to climb despite the trend towards dropping sugary drinks. Childhood obesity among the very young has probably plateaued in recent years, but more than 20% of Americans aged 12 to 19 are still obese.

The risk factors for obesity, including insufficient access to healthy and affordable food and exercise sites such as parks, tend to be concentrated among disadvantaged groups, such as those living in communities hit by poverty. These same communities also face environmental crises that can directly threaten their water supply (Flint, Michigan, for example) or make residents wary of the safety of their drinking water. Although the study did not examine how these risks and fears could change people's willingness to drink water, improving water safety and accessibility should be a public health priority, said the authors.

"Increased access to safe, free water is essential for children's health, as daily water consumption can help reduce [sugar-sweetened beverage] consumption and reduce childhood obesity, "they wrote.


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