OnePlus insults new northern buyers with meager Android update promise


OnePlus’ new Nord series phones aren’t just discounted midrangers, they also benefit from a discounted update policy. OnePlus returns to the schedule set in 2018, guaranteeing only a Android version update for the N10 5G and the N100. This means that the two new phones will only receive the already released OxygenOS 11 based on Android 11, paired only with of them years of security updates.

This policy was mentioned in our hands-on review of the N10 5G, published yesterday, although it is doing the rounds today. OnePlus’ full statement regarding the new update policy is just below:

“The Nord N10 5G and N100 will receive a major Android update and a total of two years of security updates. The plan for these two devices aligns with industry standards for smartphones in more affordable price ranges. As always, we will continue to listen to feedback from our users and look for ways to improve the software experience for all OnePlus devices. “

It should be noted that the OnePlus N10 5G launches with OxygenOS 10.5 based on Android 10, and we have explicitly confirmed that this promised “major Android update” is to Android 11. It is the version of Android on OnePlus 8T, released before the N10 5G, delivered with. To make this perfectly clear: OnePlus has only committed to updating the N10 5G to the current version of OxygenOS that its other recent phones already have, upgrade it after launching a version behind. To some perspective, the “original” North, which costs just € 50 more, gets the original release’s commitment to two years and three years of security updates.

In 2018, OnePlus promised it would provide a similar level of support for all of its then-supported phones – two years of Android version upgrades and an additional year of security fixes, totaling three years of updates. , to be delivered every two months. – which implies that this maintenance schedule would become its standard in the future. While this is not an explicit “promise” for all future phones, it was a generally accepted expectation that has not come to fruition with these new phones – although this “every two months” promise has not. always worked out either.

For the prospect: Samsung is promising three years of updates for its flagship phones, matching Google’s Pixel pledge. Most OEMs offer two to three years of software support between version upgrades and security patches, although the midrange market is less consistent. TCL has promised an upgrade from version 10L to Android 11 and two years of security patches, while the Moto E 2020 is not even guaranteed.

In its coverage of this news, Android Central called OnePlus “outdated,” which is correct given the problems the company has had in maintaining its update schedule, especially when it comes to older phones. The OnePlus 6 series had huge issues with its Android 10 update, and those bi-monthly security fixes have been problematic as well. This still ignores the growing general instability we noticed in the company’s OxygenOS software.

The new post-Carl-Pei OnePlus is turning into a very different type of business, and I can’t say I like it.


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