OnePlus will unveil its first smartwatch on March 23


As you would expect from OnePlus at this point, the march to a new product release includes a steady flow of information. That includes its first watch, which we’ll see on March 23 at the same time its new OnePlus 9 phone series launches. Late last year CEO Pete Lau said “wishes come true” while letting fans know that a watch was in the works, and after OnePlus canceled its first effort in 2016, we can see if they have something special and different to contribute. your wrists.

Droid-Life points out that the tweet reveals links to a forum thread inviting bogus responses only about possible features of the new device. While we might think it will have the usual suite of sleep and activity tracking capabilities, showing a little imagination could make you a winner of a free watch, so realistic projections can stick in. comments here while all extremely quirky drawings, “renderings, descriptions, videos” should go in this thread.


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