Only one person attended the Steve King event


The only voter to attend Saturday's meeting of President of the Republic, Steve King, Iowa, said "it was very embarrassing."

Jessica Birch, 21, said she had woken up a hangover, but that she felt it was her civic duty to attend the county forum. Grundy. She arrived at an almost empty car park, with the exception of a few police cars that were there for security reasons.

A Reuters reporter tweeted a virulent photo of two people in the audience, but Birch said the other woman was an intern for King.

"It was very odd, it was a very strange thing," said Birch at Start Line. "Part of me wanted to leave, but it would be rude to leave and the Midwest could not do it. I feel a little bad for him. But part of me was really angry because other Democrats did not show up. I leave the things he said on issues like abortion and health care a bit, because I do not want to argue with him. I already know you're wrong. Let's talk about things that really matter to me. "

King, who was condemned by his own party for his inflammatory remarks, recently suggested that human history was rooted in rape and incest while defending its anti-abortion stance.

The congressman started the public session by joking about a Rick Santorum event that few people attended, then took a look at trade policy before asking Birch if she had any questions. The student from the University of Northern Iowa asked him about housing costs, repairs and student loans.

"The time for me was only a scramble for what I said. I had a hangover, I did not have coffee, I was right there, "said Birch. "If I could go back, I would have been more willing to ask questions."

She said her friends told her later that she should have shouted at her, but she said it was easier said than done. "Being the only person in the room is different," she said.

Birch refused to take a picture with King at the end of the event. "I politely refused, mainly because I plan to run for a job and I do not need a picture of Steve King and I shake my hand in the future." "she said.


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