Only two people came to Nuno Espirito Santo's press conference Sunday


It was not really time to discuss the strike partnership of Jota and Jimenez

Liverpool nearly won their first Premier League title on Sunday, but they could not count on Brighton to take points from future Manchester City champions.

Liverpool, however, played their part by defeating the Wolves 2-0 at Anfield with a Sadio Mane double to complete a fantastic season, despite the disappointment of finishing second with 97 points after losing a league game all season.

Their title challenge and their future, with a Champions League final to play, were quite the story to tell immediately after the season. The wolves, for their part, despite their laudable victories and their enviable model, have not been the subject of such discussions.

This would explain why, literally, only two people showed up at Nuno Espirito Santo's press conference after the match.

This is quite the sight, an empty press room. Lightnings of José Mourinho swaying early, saying hello and goodbye before being fucked quickly in a hallway. But it was not the chief who evaded the questions, it was the press that was frying a bigger fish.

Poor Nuno. At least someone was worried about it.


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