Oregon Republican Party Falsely Suggests Attack on US Capitol Was “False Flag” | Oregon


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The Oregon Republican Party falsely claimed in a resolution that there was “mounting evidence” that the Jan.6 attack on the US Capitol by a pro-Trump mob was “a” false flag “operation” .

The resolution, which was released Jan. 19 and approved by the State Republican Party’s executive committee, suggested that the storming of Capitol Hill by Trump supporters was an orchestrated conspiracy “intended to discredit President Trump, his supporters and all conservative Republicans, ”and create“ false motivation ”to impeach the former president.

To substantiate these false claims, the resolution cited links to right-wing websites, including The Epoch Times, a pro-Trump outlet that frequently published right-wing misinformation, as well as the Wikipedia entry for “Reichstag Fire.”

In a Facebook video posted Jan. 19, Oregon Republican Party Chairman Bill Currier said Oregon Republicans were working with Republicans from other states to post similar resolutions. “We encourage and work with others through a patriotic network of RNC members, nationally elected officials from each state, to coordinate our activities and coordinate our messages,” Currier said in the video chat with D’ other members of the Oregon Republican Party.

“We are halfway in the door of socialism and Marxism right now… and we have to fight,” Currier said. “Now is the time to choose. People can decide what they want to believe and what they want to do, but there are people standing and people sitting. “

Currier did not respond to a request for comment on Monday. The Republican National Committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In addition to calling the attack on Capitol Hill a potential false flag operation, the Oregon GOP resolution also condemned several House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump in the Jan.6 assault. The statement called lawmakers “traitors” who “conspired” with the enemy, and described members of the Democratic Party as “leftist forces seeking to establish a dictatorship devoid of all cherished freedoms and freedoms.”

The resolution was a sign of the Oregon GOP “aligning itself with conspiracy theories,” the Oregonian, the state’s largest newspaper wrote last week.

The newspaper also reported that one of the members of the executive committee of the Oregon GOP, which produced the resolution, is the chief of staff to the Republican state legislator who opened the door to allow armed protesters protesting against coronavirus restrictions from illegally entering the state capital of Oregon on Dec. 21. This invasion of the state capital of Oregon in December was one of the events that served as the model for the invasion of the United States Capitol in January.

Federal prosecutors in Washington have already charged more than 100 people in connection with the violence on Capitol Hill on January 6, which has been widely documented in real time by reporters, as well as by many who participated in the invasion, including including well-known members of hate groups.

Several of those charged in connection with the invasion of the capital have said they believe they are following Trump’s instructions. “I’m listening to my president, who told me to go to the Capitol,” a Texas real estate agent facing federal charges told CBS News.

Family and friends of the four participants who died in the Capitol invasion, including an Air Force veteran shot by a police officer, have also described them as staunch supporters of Trump.


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