Oregon Senator Ron Wyden: Enes Kanter Has the Right to Speak on the Turkish Government and "Brut" Recep Tayyip Erdogan


Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden discussed the political situation surrounding the Portland Trail Blazers Enes Kanter Center and its relationship – or lack of it – with his home country. origin, Turkey.

Can you give us an update on the situation with Enes Kanter?

Ron Wyden: "It's pretty clear that [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan makes every effort to send a message and threaten Enes. He's a bully and he can get away with it if people do not grow back. And if you look at the fact that [Erdogan] harassed his parents, and that basketball fans can not be [Trail Blazers] Games in Turkey and that sort of thing … It's pretty clear that what Oregon and me are saying is that he's a brave young guy who wants to talk about his passion and who has the right to do it without being threatened without being pushed by a dictator.

What is the next step for you? [in terms of how you might help Enes Kanter]?

Ron Wyden"Let me tell you what I'm looking for, and of course that means a lot of" if "… the first radio show I did for KPAM … their first question was," Can -be when the Blazers arrive at the title, they will play in Toronto, then what are you going to do to make sure Mr. Kanter will play, "and I said," I've already thought about it, and it's quite far down the road with a lot but I want Rip City to know that if we realize our dream and if we're playing the NBA finals against Toronto, I'll go shoot as a member of Oregon's Senate Intelligence Committee, to make sure that brave young man, Enes Kanter, can play. & # 39;

So, is there a decent chance that he plays if all these "ifs" become a reality?

Ron Wyden"I will not talk about all the things we are looking at, but you know that it has always been a question of taking Erdogan. He tries to use Interpol, he tries to put Enes in a situation where he could be arrested and we understand exactly what kind of trauma and pain dictators can inflict. We have already seen the harassment of Enes Kanter's family. All he wants is to defend freedom and express his point of view, that's what Oregon is about to be. "

How many [Trail Blazers] Games have you been this year?

Ron Wyden: "I'm trying to watch them all on TV … it's my third. I am always in and out [of Oregon]. No, actually it's my second. "

What does this playoff series mean for the state of Oregon and for the city of Portland?

Ron Wyden"I have to tell you that when I got off the plane last night in the middle of the night, people started asking me questions about the Blazers. There is a lot going on right now, but it's the story of our city's union, unity, sport at its best. The kind of team work we saw through the kind of adversity. Under normal circumstances, when one of your big shots has a shot, like Nurk went through, everyone said it was a good season, but you know … that's how it's done past. And I think for the moment, it is a real momentum of enthusiasm for our community. A group that we can believe. Young people working as a team. After Lady hit that 37-foot shot, we know it was a special year. "

More about Ron Wyden and his plea for Enes Kanter:

Kanter is a Turkish national and has made headlines in the international press in recent years as a prominent and outspoken critic of Erdogan and his government. As a follower of the US-based Turkish cleric, Fethullah Gulen, whom the Turkish government accuses of being behind a failed military-state coup in 2016, Kanter is become a political target. While Gulen denied these accusations, thousands of people suspected of links to his network were arrested, returned or became targets in Turkey, including Kanter.

In 2017, the Turkish government revoked the Kanter passport. The latter was arrested at an airport in Bucharest while traveling to Romania. In January, Turkish prosecutors also issued an international arrest warrant or a "red notice" against Kanter, claiming that the center belonged to a terrorist organization and had requested his extradition to Turkey in order to that he be judged. Kanter believes this was done in retaliation for his political opinions and no longer travels to the international. As a result, Kanter recently missed a Trail Blazers game in Toronto, Canada, because of immigration issues stemming from the red notice.

– Nick Daschel and Sean Meagher of The Oregonian / OregonLive contributed to this report


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